- Academy for Workforce Research
- Adoption Research Group
- Advanced High Voltage Engineering Research Centre
- Advanced Research Computing
- Advanced Therapies Group
- Airbus Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Analytics
- Alcohol and Violence Research Group
- All Wales Midwifery and Reproductive Health Research Forum
- Analysis, Probability and Stochastic Processes Team
- Animal Geographies Research Cluster
- Antibacterial Agents and Genetics of Resistance
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Biology Network
- Applied and Computational Mathematics Research Group
- Arthritis Research Group
- Biobank
- Biological Chemistry
- Biomaterials
- Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis
- Biomedical Engineering Research Group
- Biosensors and Advanced Imaging
- Body, Health and Religion Research Group
- British Idealism and Collingwood Centre
- Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from Developing Societies (BARNARDS)
- CARBS Behavioural Research Group
- Cardiff Cancer Research UK Centre
- Cardiff Catalysis Institute
- Cardiff Catalysis Institute Electron Microscope Facility
- Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law and Justice
- Cardiff Centre for the Crusades
- Cardiff Centre for Welsh American Studies
- Cardiff Centre for Welsh History
- Cardiff Child Development Studies
- Cardiff China Medical Research Collaborative
- Cardiff Cognition and Neurostimulation Group
- Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group
- Cardiff Fertility Studies
- Cardiff Fintech Research Group
- Cardiff French Music Research (CFMR)
- Cardiff Haematology Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) Research Unit
- Cardiff Health and Social Care Improvement Research
- Cardiff Health Organisation and Policy Studies
- Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair
- Cardiff Interdisciplinary Research in Opera and Drama (CIRO)
- Cardiff Interdisciplinary Research on Antifascism and the Far right
- Cardiff Law and Global Justice
- Cardiff Lipidomics Group
- Cardiff Medicentre
- Cardiff Organisational Research Group
- Cardiff Regional Experimental Arthritis Treatment and Evaluation Centre (CREATE)
- Cardiff Sleep Network
- Cardiff Sustainable Finance Research Group
- Cardiff Unit for Research and Evaluation in Medical and Dental Education (CUREMeDE)
- Cardiff University Ageing Science and Older People Network (CASciOPe)
- Cardiff University British Music Research Centre
- Cardiff University Centre for Human Developmental Science
- Cardiff University Nanosome Network
- Cardiff University's Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
- Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre
- CASCADE: Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre
- Catalysis and Interfacial Science
- Cell Migration Group
- Central and East European Research Centre
- Central Biotechnology Services
- Central Biotechnology Services
- Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems
- Centre for Automotive Industry Research
- Centre for China Business Research
- Centre for Community Journalism
- Centre for Conflict, Security and Societies
- Centre for Cyber Security Research (CCSR)
- Centre for Editorial and Intertextual Research
- Centre for Geobiology and Geochemistry
- Centre for Health and Social Care Law
- Centre for High Frequency Engineering
- Centre for Human Rights and Public Law
- Centre for Innovation Policy Research
- Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply
- Centre for Internet and Global Politics
- Centre for Language and Communication Research
- Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture
- Centre for Law and Religion
- Centre for Local and Regional Government Research
- Centre for Medieval Studies
- Centre for Psychosocial Research, Occupational and Physician Health
- Centre for Research into Energy, Waste and the Environment
- Centre for Research into Historically Informed Performance (CRHIP)
- Centre for Research on Environment, Society and Space
- Centre for Resilience and Environmental Change
- Centre for Solid Earth and Natural Resources
- Centre for the Creative Economy
- Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK
- Centre for the Study of Knowledge, Expertise and Science
- Centre for Trials Research
- Centre of Law and Society
- Centre of Public Value Procurement
- Childhood and Youth Research Group
- Childhood health and education
- China-UK Research Centre for Eco-Cities and Sustainable Development
- Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia (CLL) research group
- Cities Research Centre
- Cold Climates
- Collaborative Interdisciplinary Study for Science, Medicine and the Imagination Research Group (CISSMI)
- Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory (COSMOS)
- Combating biofilm antimicrobial resistance
- Commemorating WWI: Conflict and Creativity
- Communication and Human Security Research Group
- Computational Mechanics and Engineering AI Research Group
- Computational Methods in Architecture Group
- Computer vision
- Contact Lens and Anterior Eye Research Unit (CLAER)
- Creative Labour and Cultural Production
- Culture, Imagination and Practice Research Group (CIP)
- Cyber security
- Danau Girang Field Centre
- Data analytics and machine learning
- Data Innovation Accelerator
- Data Lab for Social Good
- Data Science Academy
- DECIPHer: Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement
- Dementia Research Institute
- Dementias Research Network
- Dental Data Science
- Dental Education
- Dental Public Health Unit
- Design research and professional practice
- Digital Media and Society Research Group
- Digital Transformation Innovation Institute
- Discrete Mathematics and Data Science Research Team
- Disease Mechanisms
- Down’s Syndrome Vision Research Unit
- Drosophila in Vivo Analysis
- Early Materials, Technology and Conservation Research Group
- Earth Surface Processes
- Economic Geology
- Education Research Group
- Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence
- Emerging Technology and Digital Society research group
- Employment Research Unit
- Energy Research Cluster
- Energy, Environment and People
- Environmental Futures Dialogue Network
- Environmental Justice Research Unit
- Environmental, Ecological and Extinction Accounting, Governance and Economics Research Group
- Ethnography, Culture and Interpretive Analysis
- Ethnography, Culture and Interpretive Analysis Research Group
- Ethnomethodology, Ethnography, Interaction and Talk
- European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute
- European Epidemiology of Child Abuse and Neglect (Euro-CAN)
- European Governance, Identity and Public Policy
- Hartree Centre Cardiff Hub
- Health Modelling Centre Cymru (hmc2)
- Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Thematic Group
- Healthcare Development Research Unit
- High-Value Manufacturing Research Group
- History, Heritage and Conservation
- Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Adenovirus Virology
- Human-centred computing
- Human-Centric Machine Vision and Intelligence
- Hydro-environmental Research Centre
- Ideology Critique and Žižek Studies
- Imaging, Sensors and Instrumentation
- Improving Dentistry Group
- Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance
- Informal Economy Research Observatory
- Inherited Tumour Syndromes Research Group (ITSR Group)
- Institute for Compound Semiconductors
- Institute for the Study of Visual Cultures
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Research Group
- International research network on development, frontiers and the environment
- International Studies Research Unit
- Inverse problems
- Labour Research Group
- Language, Policy and Planning Research Unit
- Later Prehistoric and Roman Britain Research Group
- Lean Enterprise Research Centre
- Lifespan Multimorbidity Research Collaborative (LINC)
- Linguistics in Cardiff (LinC)
- Literature, Theory and Creativity Research Unit
- Llyn Brianne Observatory
- Logistics Systems Dynamics Group
- Low Carbon Research Institute
- Macular Research Group
- Magnetic Materials and Applications Research Group
- Magnetics and Materials Research Group
- Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre
- Materials and Energy
- Materials Research Network
- Mathematical Analysis Research Group
- Mathematical Physics Research Group
- Max Planck Centre on the Fundamentals of Heterogeneous Catalysis (FUNCAT)
- Media, Community and the Creative Citizen
- Media, Culture and Creativity Research Group
- Medical Engineering Research Group
- Medical image computing
- Medicine, Science and Culture
- Medicines Discovery Institute
- Medieval Europe Research Group
- Mediterranean Archaeology Research Group
- Mental Wellbeing in Adolescence: Genes and Environment Study (MAGES)
- Microbiomes, Microbes and Informatics (MMI)
- Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity Research Group
- Modern Slavery and Social Sustainability Research Group
- Molecular Synthesis
- MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics
- Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility
- Myeloid Cell Biology Group
- Nanoscale Science and Technology
- Natural language processing
- Net Zero Innovation Institute
- Network for Neurogenesis and Neural stem cells
- Neurodegeneration to regeneration (N2R)
- Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit
- Neurodevelopment Research Network
- Neuroscience and Mental Health Innovation Institute
- Neuroscience and psychology of sleep lab (NaPS)
- PACCFINTAX: Public Sector Accounting, Finance and Taxation Research Group
- Palaeobiology
- PARC Institute of Manufacturing, Logistics and Inventory
- Peritoneal Immunity Group
- Philosophy of Mind
- Photonics and Biophotonics
- Plants for the Future Research Network
- Political Theory Research Unit
- Practice Research and Advancement in South Asian Design and Architecture (PRASADA)
- Privacy
- Project Sepsis
- Public Space Observatory Research Centre
- Regenerative Biology Group
- Reproductive Mental Health Programme
- Research and Evaluation of Area-Modulation Perimetry (REVAMP)
- Research Centre for Clinical Kinaesiology
- Research Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Food (SURF)
- Research Unit for Nystagmus (RUN)
- Resilient Structures and Construction Materials (RESCOM)
- Responsible Innovation Network
- Robotics and Autonomous Intelligent Machines
- Rome and the Sacred
- Science, Health and the Media Research Group
- Seafarers’ International Research Centre
- Security, Crime, and Intelligence Innovation Institute
- Sexualities & Gender
- Social Data Science Lab
- Social Science Research Park
- SOCSI Social Theory Forum
- South East Wales Academic Health Science Partnership
- Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- Star and Planet Formation
- Statistics and Data Science Research Group
- Structural Biophysics
- Study of Knowledge in Practice (SKiP)
- Subjectivity and Psychosocial Research Group
- Survey Data Users Brown Bag Research Group (SURDUBB)
- Sustainable and Responsible Supply Chain (SRSC) Forum
- Sustainable Geoenvironments
- Sustainable Systems and Structures
- Systems and scalability
- Systems Immunity Research Institute
- T Cell Immunity Group
- Taf and Ely Observatory
- Tectonics and Geophysics
- The Archaeology of Wales Research Group
- The British Idealism and Collingwood Centre
- The Cardiff Unit for Research and Evaluation in Medical and Dental Education
- The Climate Change Consortium of Wales
- The Data Justice Lab
- The European Mesolithic and Neolithic Research Group
- The Gender and Sexualities Research Group
- The Medicine, Science and Culture (MeSC) Research Interest Group
- The Sensor Physiotherapy Intervention (SPIN) Research Group
- The Wales Centre For Evidence Based Care: A JBI Centre of Excellence
- Theory and Computational Physics
- Tiny to Tots
- Tissue Microenvironment Group
- Tom Hopkinson Centre for Media History
- Wales Autism Research Centre
- Wales Cancer Research Centre
- Wales Centre for Anatomical Education
- Wales Gene Park
- Wales Governance Centre
- Wales Heart Research Institute (WHRI)
- Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre
- Water Research Institute
- Wellbeing Connect
- Welsh Economy Research Unit
- Welsh Ergonomics and Safer Patients Alliance (WESPA)
- Welsh Institute For Research in Economics and Development
- Welsh Oral Health Information Unit
- WISERD: Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods
- Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health
- Women Adding Value to the Economy
- Work, Employment and Labour Markets