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Dental Education

Exploring how oral health professional education can be delivered effectively in a wide range of contexts.

Examples of our areas of research include:

  • methods of effective student recruitment and admission
  • strategies for improving interprofessional education
  • effective integrated approaches to patient care
  • the delivery of effective continued professional development and lifelong learning
  • developing student resilience and wellbeing
  • exploring how to improve our student engagement
  • the use of digital technologies for teaching operative clinical skills


Our research group is involved with the following research activities:

Research as a component of OHP Education

This project involves a wide range of educator stakeholders across Europe, and aims to develop consensus on a fifth Curriculum domain for the ‘Graduating European Dentist’ curriculum. This group’s PI is Professor James Field, in collaboration with the European Dental Students Association (EDSA), the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and various pan-European academic partners.

Embedding environmental sustainability within oral health professional curricula

This project involves a wide range of educator stakeholders across Europe, and aims to develop consensus on learning outcomes relating to Sustainability in OHP curricula. This group’s PI is Professor James Field, in collaboration with the European Dental Students Association (EDSA), the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), and various pan-European academic partners. This group has consulted for the General Dental Council, for inclusion in their review of learning outcomes, and presented to the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP).

Resilience and well-being in Dental Education

These two projects are being undertaken as a PhD by Ruby Long, with Professor James Field and Dr Liz Forty as academic supervisors, and as a Community of Practice by Shannu Bhatia. The projects aim to explore well-being and resilience within dental education; specifically how resilience is assessed and measured, and what tools can be developed to support the development of resilience in our students. The PhD project has received external funding from Immersify Dental, and the Community of Practice is supported by ADEE.

Human Diseases and the importance of complex medical histories in dental education

This series of studies is led by Dr Phil Atkin, and explores the importance of chairside learning in dental schools with respect to human diseases, and seeks to develop consensus in relation to human diseases teaching.

Comparison of Oral Surgery teaching across the UK

PI is Dr Charlotte Emanuel and Charlotte Richards.


Developing a shared understanding of oral health professional education in Europe. PI is Professor James Field.

The use of 3D printing technologies for teaching operative dental skills

PI is Edward Williams, and Co-PI is Professor James Field.

The use of eye tracking in interpreting how students review dental radiographs

PI is Dr Caryl Wilson-Nagrani and Carlen Chandler.

Exploring the development of trust in special care dentistry trainee-supervisor relationships

PhD Study, Dr Damian Farnell.



Our group regularly hold ‘lunch and learn sessions’ relating to scholarship and education research.

Next steps


Research that matters

Our research makes a difference to people’s lives as we work across disciplines to tackle major challenges facing society, the economy and our environment.


Postgraduate research

Our research degrees give the opportunity to investigate a specific topic in depth among field-leading researchers.


Our research impact

Our research case studies highlight some of the areas where we deliver positive research impact.