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Advanced research computing

Advanced Research Computing at Cardiff (ARCCA) provides leading-edge hardware and software to help tackle the global research challenges of our time.

We provide high-performance computing services for researchers who need additional computing power to solve complex problems.

We work with organisations in the UK and abroad to utilise high-end research computing.

Learn how our systems are helping to solve real world problems.

We provide dedicated, leading-edge equipment, software and hosting.

Get expert advice, training and high-end software support for your research.

Latest news

Cardiff University HPC-Enabled Scientific Achievement Award

14 November 2023

Cardiff University HPC-Enabled Scientific Achievement Award

Women In HPC

Introducing and Supporting Women in HPC

10 August 2023

Introducing and Supporting Women in HPC: ARCCA's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Investment to Refresh the Redwood Datacentre and ARCCA HPC Service

Investment Secured to Refresh the Redwood Datacentre and ARCCA HPC Service

27 July 2023

Investment to Refresh the Redwood Datacentre and ARCCA HPC service