Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Attractive pathway in front of building

Ap adrodd storïau Sain Ffagan yn dod â’r Amgueddfa yn fyw

20 Ebrill 2017

Cydweithio creadigol yn cynnig profiad newydd i ymwelwyr o Amgueddfa Cymru

The book,  Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll

Professor’s Poets of Rock and Roll book translated internationally for global market

20 Ebrill 2017

Professor of Political Philosophy and International Relations, David Boucher is currently enjoying an international renaissance of his book Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll.

Wild cities

18 Ebrill 2017

Inside an explorer’s mind as he crosses Cardiff

Stefan Berger who has joined the School as an Honorary Professor.

School welcomes back German colleague as Honorary Professor

18 Ebrill 2017

Esteemed German scholar, Stefan Berger has recently joined the School of Modern Languages as an Honorary Professor.

Glamorgan Building Cardiff University

Penodi Dr Ton Hall fel Pennaeth Ysgol

13 Ebrill 2017

Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol yn penodi Dr Tom Hall fel Pennaeth yr Ysgol

A Languages for All class

Brush up on your language skills this summer

13 Ebrill 2017

Take advantage of our free Languages for All courses before you leave, and improve in a language you already know or one you’ve always wanted to learn.

Ysgolorion Santander yn rhannu £15,000

13 Ebrill 2017

Myfyrwyr Ysgol y Gymraeg yn ennill pum ysgoloriaeth i ariannu taith i'r Wladfa.

A digital camera and binoculars

The changing nature of investigative journalism

13 Ebrill 2017

New research to document how technology is altering investigative journalism.

Cardiff University students at the Enactus Expo in London

Cydweithio i greu dyfodol gwell

13 Ebrill 2017

Cydnabyddiaeth i bartneriaeth rhwng myfyrwyr a ffoaduriaid mewn seremoni wobrwyo

Dr Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament for Wales, visits Cardiff to discuss Brexit with Politics students

The Brexit Process – Dr Kay Swinburne presents to Politics students

13 Ebrill 2017

Politics students recently welcomed Dr Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament for Wales, to the School to discuss Brexit.