Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Drawing by Max Ernst, German artist and pioneer of surrealism

Funding secured for research into surrealism in the GDR

12 Tachwedd 2013

Professor Berendse has been awarded a scholarship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

big ben

UK competitiveness increasingly concentrated in London

11 Tachwedd 2013

London boroughs most competitive places in Britain.

Professor Paul Atkinson delivers NCRM Annual Lecture

8 Tachwedd 2013

Watch a video of Professor Atkinson presenting his lecture, 'Why do fieldwork?'

Muslim Chilhood

How do we learn to be religious?

6 Tachwedd 2013

New book looks at Muslims’ success in passing faith on to next generation

AHRC logo

Major boost for next generation of arts & humanities researchers

25 Hydref 2013

The School has been sucessful in a bid to become an AHRC Doctoral Training Centre.

Transforming lives of children and young people in care

22 Hydref 2013

Cardiff to lead new study to improve outcomes of children in care in Wales

Child on shoulders

Transforming lives of children and young people in care

22 Hydref 2013

Cardiff to lead new study to improve outcomes of children in care in Wales.

Care Council for Wales

Developing social work training

17 Hydref 2013

Cardiff to work with Care Council on UK’s most comprehensive training initiatives.

demolishing whitehall

Architect's grand plan to wipe out Whitehall

17 Hydref 2013

New book reveals the impetus behind plans

social work training

Developing social work training

17 Hydref 2013

Cardiff to work with Care Council on UK's most comprehensive training initiatives.