Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Pro Parra conference logo

Birthday Rap for Nicanor Parra

11 Tachwedd 2014

The School hosted a 2-day conference on the work of anti-poet Nicanor Parra.

Caerdydd yn gwobrwyo creadigrwydd

10 Tachwedd 2014

Eleni mae Ysgol y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd yn lansio ysgoloriaethau newydd a fydd yn gofyn i ddarpar fyfyrwyr arddangos eu creadigrwydd.

Adoption request paperwork image

Wales Adoption Cohort Study hopes to support policy development and improve adoption services

10 Tachwedd 2014

The number of children who were adopted in Wales in the year ending March 2014 rose by 5 percent on the previous year. However, many more children who cannot be brought up in their own family await a suitable adoptive placement and adoptive families may have short-term or ongoing needs for support.

Children create ebola comics

Comics created to help prevent the spread of Ebola

6 Tachwedd 2014

Young people in West Africa illustrate key messages for communities.

Welsh Flag

#Love or #Hate the Welsh accent?

4 Tachwedd 2014

Cardiff University research reveals changing reactions on Twitter

Cardiff riding high in new international league table

31 Hydref 2014

The inaugural US News & World Report Global Universities Rankings places Cardiff 19th in the UK, 72nd in Europe and 188th in the world.

Young man using a touch screen phone

Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory contributes to potentially life-saving mobile app

31 Hydref 2014

Research led by Professor Jonathan Scourfield has contributed to the creation of an online application designed to alert Twitter users if any of their friends show signs that they may be depressed or contemplating suicide.

Student working on a piece of lab equipment

School of Modern Languages to play its part in flagship University project

31 Hydref 2014

European foreign policy expert Professor Gordon Cummings will be on the Board of one of the Phoenix Project.

Cardiff Law researcher joins interdisciplinary team for crucial adoption study in Wales

31 Hydref 2014

Dr Julie Doughty has teamed up with researchers in psychology, social sciences and policy from both Cardiff and Bristol University to promote successful adoption in Wales.

Law school international scholarship winners

Cardiff Law School awards £83,000 in scholarships to international students

31 Hydref 2014

Over 20 international students attended a short ceremony hosted by the Law School and were presented with their International Scholarship Awards.