Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Yr Athro Loredana Polezzi, Cymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru.

Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru yn ethol Athro Cyfieithu yn Gymrawd

10 Mai 2017

Professor Loredana Polezzi has been elected Fellow of the prestigious Learned Society for Wales.

Ysgoloriaeth PhD newydd ar gyfer prosiect ar amrywio a newidiadau ieithyddol

9 Mai 2017

School announces new doctoral project on language variation and change in contemporary Wales

Soldiers on Pyramid

Y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn nhiroedd y Pharoaid

9 Mai 2017

Ymchwilwyr yn casglu 2,000 o ddelweddau sydd heb eu gweld o’r blaen o’r Aifft a Phalesteina

Carmen Georges Bizet

Cardiff to host Carmen Singer of the World Conference

8 Mai 2017

International experts on Bizet’s Carmen will gather in Cardiff

Talking Brexit and market volatility

8 Mai 2017

Breakfast Briefing considers how business can mitigate against Brexit uncertainty

Journalist Patrick Cockburn

Foreign correspondent Patrick Cockburn to deliver guest lecture

4 Mai 2017

Public lecture by Middle East journalist Patrick Cockburn to be third Nick Lewis Memorial Trust Lecture.

Learned Society of Wales Book

Academyddion yn cael eu hanrhydeddu

4 Mai 2017

Academyddion o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn cael eu hethol yn Gymrodyr Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru

A neglected child

Health and Social Care Law specialists draft response to Welsh Government guidance

4 Mai 2017

The Centre for Health and Social Care Law (CHSCL) has recently submitted a response to Welsh Government on draft guidance for practitioners who work on cases of neglect or abuse.

Soldiers in front of the sphinx and pyramid at Giza

The First World War in the lands of the Pharaohs

4 Mai 2017

For the last two years, Dr Steve Mills and Professor Paul Nicholson have been collecting images of Egypt and Palestine taken during the First World War.

The stigma of being looked after graphics

Canolfan ar-lein ar gyfer plant mewn gofal

4 Mai 2017

Prifysgol Caerdydd a Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydweithio i ddatblygu adnodd ar-lein