Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Hacks and hackers logo

Hacks and hackers to tell digital stories

8 Tachwedd 2016

Cardiff continues to lead as a city at the leading edge of digital journalism.

Bruce Webb (1967- 2016)

8 Tachwedd 2016

Mr Bruce Webb has passed away following a short illness.

Consultation between man and woman

Drain a Blodau

7 Tachwedd 2016

Darlunio profiadau Menywod Du ac o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig o fod yn anffrwythlon


From war to peace: Music of Reconciliation and Hope

4 Tachwedd 2016

On Remembrance Sunday, Cardiff University Chamber Choir will present a programme of music at the Church of St John the Baptist in a commemoration with prayer, music and readings.

Students in a BBC radio studio

Myfyrwyr yn cael golwg o’r tu mewn ar BBC Radio Cymru

3 Tachwedd 2016

Yn ddiweddar, cafodd myfyrwyr modiwl ‘Yr Ystafell Newyddion’ yr Ysgol olwg o’r tu mewn ar ddarlledu radio, pan ymwelsant â BBC Radio Cymru.


Prosiect #Quartweets

3 Tachwedd 2016

Preswyliaeth newydd yn ymchwilio i greadigrwydd cerddorol yn oes y cyfryngau cymdeithasol

Students in a row at graduation

Innovative engagement project creates bridges to higher education

3 Tachwedd 2016

A partnership between the University and St David's College has led to the development and delivery of sixth form courses in the social sciences while helping to train trainee teachers.

Image of some of the 2016 prize winners

Annual prize-giving celebrates student excellence

3 Tachwedd 2016

Undergraduate students recognised for academic success


Discussing 'home' on BBC Radio

2 Tachwedd 2016

Dr Rachel Hurdley recently joined radio presenter Lauren Laverne on BBC Woman's Hour to discuss the meanings of ‘home’.

#Connect Team


2 Tachwedd 2016

Première byd yn y PROMS Cerddoriaeth Ieuenctid