Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


tracing lines

Tracing Lines

30 Medi 2013

Composer traces South African roots on new CD.

coleg cymraeg

Hwb i Gaerdydd ar ddechrau tymor newydd

26 Medi 2013

Mae arian gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol wedi rhoi hwb i ddarpariaeth Gymraeg mewn prifysgolion ar draws de Cymru

Dr Matthew Williams

Hate Crime still a daily reality for people in Wales claims new study

23 Medi 2013

The findings from the biggest hate crime study ever carried out in Wales and England is launched at the Senedd by Jeff Cuthbert AM.


Cardiff takes massive step

18 Medi 2013

Pioneering Open Online Courses with FutureLearn

Pathway Students

Pathway students achieve their ambition to study Social Science

18 Medi 2013

The first cohort of Pathway to Social Science students have joined the Cardiff School of Social Sciences after successfully completing the first part of their learning Pathway at the University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning.

Stimulating growth and supporting innovation

12 Medi 2013

Report highlights the benefits of Cardiff Business School's links with business and industry.

Newspapers outside

Twilight or a new dawn?

11 Medi 2013

Major international conference explores what the future holds for journalism.

Dr Adam Fletcher

Study finds evidence of black markets for junk food in schools

10 Medi 2013

Recent school food legislation in England completely banning a wide range of products in state-maintained schools may have done more harm than good.

literacy divide

Literacy level divide

4 Medi 2013

Research reveals English children outperform Welsh children in literacy.

2500 year old remains

2,500 year-old human remains discovered

2 Medi 2013

Piecing together Iron Age life at Britain's largest hillfort.