The Future of Journalism conference 2017
14 Rhagfyr 2016

Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies will host the sixth biennial Future of Journalism conference in September 2017.
The conference, sponsored by Routledge / Taylor & Francis, will welcome distinguished keynote speakers John Hartley (Curtin University, Australia), Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University, US) and Claire Wardle (First Draft).
The call for papers is now open and invites contributions from those interested in the study, practice, regulation or reform of journalism.
Submissions on all aspects of journalism are welcomed, but contributions addressing the theme of “Journalism in a post-truth age?” are particularly encouraged. This includes, but is not limited to, papers addressing issues such as:
- Challenges to the authority of legacy news institutions and the ideals of objectivity
- The increasing role of social media in shaping news consumption, and the associated emergence of “filter bubbles” and “echo chambers”
- The emergence of “fake news”
- The role of political satire as a form of news critique
- The increased automation of journalism through algorithms, bots and robots
- The changing patterns of sourcing and roles of expertise in journalism
- Watching the watchdog: Ensuring scrutiny, transparency and accountability of journalism in a “post-factual” era
- The implications for improving journalism education associated with these developments
A selection of the research-based papers presented at the conference will be published in special issues of the international peer-reviewed journals Digital Journalism, Journalism Practice and Journalism Studies.
Titles and abstracts for papers (250 words max) are invited by January 31st, 2017 and should be submitted via the email address -
The conference will take place on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 September 2017. The fee will be £250, which includes the conference dinner on 14 September. Do not submit more than one abstract as first author, with no more than two abstracts in total.