Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


For Ethnography book cover

Outstanding Academic Title award

15 Chwefror 2016

Professor Paul Atkinson’s book, For Ethnography, named as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2015

Former MLANG student Marc Falconer

“I really can’t recommend it enough” – alumni Marc Falconer explains The Cardiff Award

12 Chwefror 2016

We always encourage our students to get involved in as many aspects of university life as possible.

An image indicating where inthe world journalists were killed from the INSI report

Research data reveals the risks faced by journalists

11 Chwefror 2016

Cardiff University data identifies the most dangerous countries to be a journalist

School hosts inaugural ‘lean and green’ conference

9 Chwefror 2016

The first annual Innovation in Lean Enterprise and Green Operations conference.

Child Research

Raising the educational attainment of looked after children in Wales

8 Chwefror 2016

CASCADE research helps inform new Welsh Government strategy

Law lecturer lends voice to Welsh devolution debate

8 Chwefror 2016

Manon George appeared on the BBC programme, The Wales Report.

Jenny Kitzinger

Penderfyniadau Ymlaen Llaw i Wrthod Triniaeth (ADRT)

8 Chwefror 2016

Galw am gamau i wella dealltwriaeth a defnydd yng Nghymru

Myfyrwraig PhD yn sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer seminar iaith

8 Chwefror 2016

Myfyrwraig Ysgol y Gymraeg yn derbyn cymorth ariannol i gynnal seminar yng nghyfres Seminarau BAAL-CUP 2015-2016

Council tax bill

Diogelu dyfodol llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru

6 Chwefror 2016

Academydd o Gaerdydd yn dweud bod diwygiadau i lywodraeth leol yng Nghymru yn anghyson ac wedi'u llywio'n ormodol gan Lywodraeth Cymru

Homelessness in Great Britain: Taking the long view

5 Chwefror 2016

Fifty year anniversary event to take the long view on homelessness in Great Britain.