Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Felix 3D Printer

Early career wins

22 Rhagfyr 2017

Fellowships for fledgling researchers

Class receiving computer training

Democratising forecasting

22 Rhagfyr 2017

Workshops to share knowledge and skills with world’s least developed nations

The Bureal Local team including Charles Boutaud (third left) and Madhav Chinnappa of Google (second left)

Innovation award for developer-journalist Charles Boutaud

21 Rhagfyr 2017

MSc Computational Journalism graduate wins Press Gazette award.

Ysgoloriaeth PhD newydd mewn cydweithrediad â Llywodraeth Cymru

21 Rhagfyr 2017

Mae’r Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth ac Ysgol y Gymraeg yn falch o gyhoeddi ysgoloriaeth ESRC newydd ar gyfer prosiect PhD ar sosioieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg.

Musical score

Dau gynfyfyriwr wedi’u dewis ar gyfer Cyfansoddi: Cymru (Composition: Wales)

20 Rhagfyr 2017

Graddedigion o’r Ysgol Cerddoriaeth wedi’u dewis ar gyfer prosiect arddangos Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC.

Professor Martin Kitchener with guest speakers

Public value, here to stay

20 Rhagfyr 2017

Event showcases social impact agenda in education, public and private sectors

People fist bump at work

Students make employability awards shortlist

20 Rhagfyr 2017

Three undergraduates up for coveted placement awards

Dissertation recognition for graduate

19 Rhagfyr 2017

Recent graduate secures national recognition for her dissertation on gender and nationality in a post-conflict environment

Hyrwyddo cyflogadwyedd graddedigion y Gymraeg

19 Rhagfyr 2017

Graddedigion yn dychwelyd am noson gyrfaoedd

Launch of Global Law and Justice event

School of Law and Politics celebrate Cardiff Law and Global Justice research centre

19 Rhagfyr 2017

The formal launch of a research centre that focusses on law, justice and globalization took place this November at the School of Law and Politics.