John Bird Music Research Seminar - Prof Gareth Schott and Alroy Walker
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‘Waiata Anthems: How Aotearoa (New Zealand) Popular and Contemporary Music is Addressing Generational Trauma and Revitalising Te Reo Māori (the Māori language)’
Waiata is translated as song or chant from te reo Māori (the Māori language), yet it has many forms and important functions in te ao Māori (the Māori world). Waiata is most commonly experienced publicly in Aotearoa in support of whaikõrero (oration, formal speech-making), but it also serves to reinforce Māori interconnectedness to others, the natural world and to the supernatural world. Enduring from pre-encounter oral culture, waiata serve as vessels and a mode of transmission for mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), histories (whanau, iwi) and culture. This presentation focuses on emergent and contemporary modes of waiata (punk, hardcore and indie) in a post-colonial context, examining musician motivations, the role that music plays in the revitalisation of te reo Māori, and how it honours the purpose of waiata tawhito (traditional waiata). The project is part of ongoing research supported by the partnership agreement between Prifysgol Caerdydd and University of Waikato.
Ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e tū mai nei
‘Ko te Tangata’ te tohu
Tīhei mauri ora!!
Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa;
Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka.
Ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e tū mai nei
Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga ki te ao.
Music Building
31 Corbett Road
CF10 3EB