University of Bremen

Our Strategic Partnership with the University of Bremen - which builds from the ‘Bremen-Cardiff Alliance’ signed on 8 March 2019 - enhances our joint research endeavours and provides opportunities for our staff and students to develop new collaborations.
The Strategic Partnership has prompted exciting collaboration activities across the following areas:
- Literary, social and historical studies
- Media and communication sciences
- Marine and environmental sciences
- Semiconductor physics
Partnership collaboration in all subject areas is welcomed; read on to explore how you can become involved.
About University of Bremen
Founded in 1971, Bremen is a member of YERUN – Young European Research Universities Network and YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe (European University Initiative)
In 2005, the city of Bremen was designated ‘City of Science’ status and the University of Bremen, in 2012, was classified as a ‘University of Excellence’ – one of only 11 German institutions to be recognised as such
Bremen hosts the ‘Cluster of Excellence’ MARUM – Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences
Bremen offers a broad spectrum of academic programmes while claiming particular subject strength in natural and engineering sciences, social sciences and the humanities. It has roughly 20,000 (of which c3,500 are international)/
Bremen cites its research priorities as ocean and climate research, materials science, information-cognition-communication, social sciences, health sciences, and logistics.
Student Exchange
Cardiff University and the University of Bremen have an active student exchange agreement in place.
Student Exchange Agreements enable the reciprocal exchange of students for a semester or year of study or research abroad at the partner institution.
For more information on our student exchange agreement with Bremen, please contact:
Global Opportunities
- +44 (0) 2922 518 888
Bremen-Cardiff Initiative on Sustainability and Entrepreneurship
This 2-week blended programme will bring together students from Bremen and Cardiff to explore the subject of Sustainability and Entrepreneurship while developing a solution to a real-world problem.
Delivered by the Enterprise teams within Cardiff and Bremen Universities, group sessions explore themes such as Creative Thinking, Idea Generation and Start-Up Culture. Expert sessions are delivered to broaden students' knowledge of key aspects of sustainability and the world of business. Week 1 takes place online, with week 2 taking place in person, in Cardiff.
Partnership Impact
Find out how our partnership has enabled international collaboration for staff and students alike:
Cardiff-Bremen Partnership Fund
The fund has been established to support the development of the Strategic Partnership between Cardiff and Waikato. The fund will support staff and PhD students to develop collaborative research, teaching and/or professional services projects that have clear outcomes and a pathway to develop and sustain the collaboration.
Get in touch
If you are interested in finding out more about our international activities or forming a partnership with us, contact the International Partnerships team.
International Partnerships Engagement Manager
Sophie Lewis
If you are interested in developing a relationship with us and would like to become a partner please email us with details of your proposal.