Teaching excellence
We bring together experts in learning and teaching to support staff in delivering an engaging and inclusive experience for all students.
Learning together
As a Cardiff University student, you'll benefit from collaborative and innovative learning environments that empower you to make a difference in your chosen subject or topic of interest.
Hear from our staff and students as they give first hand accounts of their teaching and learning experiences.
Find out how we invest in education innovation, academic development and in celebrating teaching excellence.
Find out how we lead and support a range of digital education practice, projects and initiatives to enhance teaching and improve the student experience.
An environment for our academics to review, confirm, and challenge learning and teaching at Cardiff University.
Our students benefit from a consistently high-quality learning experience, including the use of dedicated technology to help them fulfil their potential.
The Cardiff Learning and Teaching Academy (LT Academy) host a range of Continuing Professional Development opportunities throughout the academic year open to all staff, including those supporting online and blended learning.
A virtual space supporting continual enhancement of the student learning experience.
We listen to our students and work in partnership with them to provide the best possible experience at university.
In response to our refreshed strategy, we are recruiting a number of new posts with a view to deliver transformational change to the student experience in the coming years.
Meet the experts in our Learning and Teaching Academy.