Ewch i’r prif gynnwys



Working with China

4 Mehefin 2013

Xiamen University leaders visit Cardiff.

Wales flag

The EU: What's in it for Wales?

24 Mai 2013

Devolved governments from around Europe convene to debate the virtues of the EU.

Innovation and Impact Awards

22 Mai 2013

Recognition for research which has shaped policy and practice.

Carl Bernstein

Newyddiadurwr Watergate yn dod i Gaerdydd

22 Mai 2013

Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb gyda’r newyddiadurwr ymchwiliadol byd-enwog, Carl Bernstein.

Police walking in a street

Improving community policing

22 Mai 2013

Recognition for research which prompted major drug operation and has changed policing.

Shaping Public Policy

22 Mai 2013

University heads up Public Policy Institute Wales Consortium.

Preventing smoking in teenagers

22 Mai 2013

Schools-based intervention programme recognised for its success.

Reshaping the BBC's news agenda

22 Mai 2013

Research recognised for helping improve quality and accuracy of post-devolution reporting.

Conference delegates

Across Borders: Translation and Migration

22 Mai 2013

The School hosts the first Cardiff annual Postgraduate conference in translation & language studies.

5 students

Five Cardiff students of German awarded summer school scholarship by the DAAD

20 Mai 2013

Successful candidates get the chance to study on three-to four-week summer courses at German institutions.