Japanese Ambassador presents Cardiff Reader with Certificate of Commendation
2 Awst 2016

Dr Christopher Hood, Reader in Japanese Studies was recently presented with a Certificate of Commendation by the Ambassador of Japan, Koji Tsuruoka.
Dr Hood was presented with the accolade during a reception held at the Japanese Embassy in London on 15 July. The event was organised for graduates who are part of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, an official Japanese Government scheme which aims to promote international understanding and to improve foreign language teaching in schools.
Dr Hood signed up to the JET Programme himself in 1993-94 and has been heavily involved in its promotion since, presenting recruitment talks each year for those interested in applying.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the JET Programme and the awards were presented to those who are actively improving the understanding of Japan and Anglo-Japanese relations. Dr Hood’s certificate states, “The Ambassador of Japan extends his deepest regards to Dr Christopher Hood in recognition of his distinguished service to contributing to the deepening of mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and UK.”
After receiving his award Dr Hood said, “I was very surprised when I first got the communication about being considered for the award. It was very difficult keeping it a secret for a month until the ceremony itself. I have always thought it a bit of a cliché when people say that they are honoured to receive an award, but I really can’t think of a better word to use. It is amazing to have received this recognition and it’s very gratifying to know that the work I do is being noticed by the Japanese Embassy and Japanese government.”
Congratulations to Dr Hood from everyone at the School of Modern Languages!