o'n graddedigion mewn cyflogaeth a/neu’n astudio ymhellach, i fod i ddechrau swydd neu gwrs newydd, neu wneud gweithgareddau eraill fel teithio.
(HESA 2021)
Rydym yn gweithio i greu
dyfodol gwell
i Gymru a'r byd
Rydyn ni'n rho
ein cymunedau
wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn
Croesawgar acuchelgeisiol
rydym yn brifysgolfyd-eang
yng nghanol prifddinassy’n ffynnu
21 Ionawr 2014
An innovative advisory group made up of young people has helped raise their aspirations while improving the quality of public health research.
13 Ionawr 2014
The Universities’ Police Science Institute (UPSI) has been awarded £46,000 from the College of Policing to strengthen links between academics and the police.
18 Rhagfyr 2013
The underlying gender pay gap in Wales is significantly wider than the latest headline UK earning figures would indicate according to recent research.
11 Rhagfyr 2013
Papers by SOCSI academics have been nominated for the SAGE Prize in Innovation and Excellence.
10 Rhagfyr 2013
Research at the School of Social Sciences featured in the latest edition of the ESRC’s flagship magazine ‘Britain in’.
6 Rhagfyr 2013
Dr Sara Delamont honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at Cardiff University’s Celebrating Excellence Awards.
5 Rhagfyr 2013
Breakthrough research has revealed how pre-teen boys and girls feel about growing up in an increasingly sexist society.
Girls and boys speak about growing up in Wales
4 Rhagfyr 2013
New research led by UPSI will examine the community impacts of the Lee Rigby murder using innovative social media analysis.
28 Tachwedd 2013
Research reveals new evidence on violence against women from asylum-seeker, refugee and migrant communities in Wales.