o'n graddedigion mewn cyflogaeth a/neu’n astudio ymhellach, i fod i ddechrau swydd neu gwrs newydd, neu wneud gweithgareddau eraill fel teithio.
(HESA 2021)
Rydym yn gweithio i greu
dyfodol gwell
i Gymru a'r byd
Rydyn ni'n rho
ein cymunedau
wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn
Croesawgar acuchelgeisiol
rydym yn brifysgolfyd-eang
yng nghanol prifddinassy’n ffynnu
22 Chwefror 2016
Can small acts of urban care, maintenance and cleaning make for a good city?
17 Chwefror 2016
Gravitational waves, knowledge formation, and the nature of science
15 Chwefror 2016
Professor Paul Atkinson’s book, For Ethnography, named as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2015
8 Chwefror 2016
CASCADE research helps inform new Welsh Government strategy
4 Chwefror 2016
New study aims to provide sustained changes in physical activity and increase awareness of cancer-preventative behaviours in girls
1 Chwefror 2016
New study on in-work poverty and policy in the UK
27 Ionawr 2016
Research reveals perceptions of stigmatised locations
Cynhadledd yn cyflwyno'r canfyddiadau diweddaraf
19 Ionawr 2016
Research event will challenge the increasing tendency of policy-makers to treat poverty as the fault of specific groups or individuals
13 Ionawr 2016
New publication explores the theory and practice of resistance to work