Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd, ochr yn ochr â phrifysgolion partner Abertawe a Bangor, wedi cael £2,249,927 i arwain y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil i Iechyd a Lles y Boblogaeth (NCPHWR), sef Canolfan Ymchwil Cymru gyfan.
Four of our second-year undergraduates – Sarah Fuller, Carly-jo Rosselli, Megan Belcher and Merilynn Pratt – have been awarded overseas summer placements in New York and Dortmund.
Cardiff University's Strong Communities, Healthier People project (SCHeP) will this year sponsor the Waun Common debates, as part of the Merthyr Rising Festival 2015.
Harry Corin, Lizzie Harris and Carly-jo Rosselli – second year undergraduates at the School of Social Sciences - have successfully secured one year paid placements on the Welsh Government's Social Research Internship Scheme.
From Friday May 1st to Sunday May 3rd, The Abacus Gallery in Cardiff will house an exhibition of film, sculpture, and sound created by young artists from Merthyr Tydfil.
This seminar took place at Cardiff University on Thursday 19 March sharing the network's achievements with representatives from research, policy and practice
The Big Lottery Fund Wales has awarded a coalition of charities, including Cardiff University's Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), £4.75 million to improve outcomes for children living in foster care, residential children's homes and kinship care.