An article by the School of Chemistry’s PhD student Antonio Angelastro, supported by Drs William Dawson and Louis Luk, has been selected as the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Editors’ Choice after being published in ACS Catalysis, a leading journal in the field.
Cyflwynwyd Gwarant Frenhinol wedi’i llofnodi gan Ei Mawrhydi y Frenhines i Ysgol Cemeg Prifysgol Caerdydd i gyflwyno teitl Athro Regius Cemeg yn swyddogol
Scientists from the School of Chemistry and the Cardiff Catalysis Institute organised and attended a two day collaborative workshop at Zhejiang University in China this November.
Mae cemegydd blaenllaw sy'n enwog am ei ddarganfyddiadau arloesol ym maes fferomonau pryfed wedi cael teitl Athro Nodedig Anrhydeddus gan Brifysgol Caerdydd