The School of Modern Languages was honoured to welcome Mr Shinichi Iida, Minister for Public Diplomacy and Media (Embassy of Japan in the UK) to Cardiff this May.
Take advantage of our free Languages for All courses before you leave, and improve in a language you already know or one you’ve always wanted to learn.
Dr Haili Ma, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies and Dean of the Beijing Normal-Cardiff Chinese College, has been invited to speak at the EU Global Challenge Forum – Ahead of the Curve which takes place in Berlin this May.
The School of Modern Languages has recently teamed up with the British Council to offer a unique studentship which will evaluate the effectiveness of Wales’ sole language outreach programme.
Students studying Mandarin were recently given the opportunity to practise their language skills in-front of a prestigious audience of Chinese academics.
Lewis Macdonald, a postgraduate student at the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies has set up a new online resource for language learners in Cardiff.