Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Breakfast Briefing series

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The Executive Education Breakfast Briefing series is just one way in which we are engaging with the local business community and wider society.

The series offers business practitioners, policy makers, media, and other stakeholders, the opportunity to hear our latest research from across a range of business and management themes. Our diverse and inspiring speakers represent the world of academia and business practice. They bring with them new insights and new perspectives to challenge your current thinking and stimulate debate.

Breakfast Briefings go Virtual

23 April 2020 represented a milestone in the evolution of our Breakfast Briefings, when, for the first time, we held an event online. Driven by circumstances beyond our control, and with face-to-face gatherings evidently impractical, it was decided that we should take the plunge, and see if there was an appetite for the exchange of information from the comfort of one’s front room.

Little did we know at that point how this enforced change would alter our approach to planning subsequent events. Of course, it will never be a perfect reflection of the briefings conducted live in the Executive Education suite, where attendees are able to network with each other, and engage with presenters in greater depth at the end of the events.

The positive side is that our guest speakers have joined us from further afield than ever before; Dr Sharon Moalem presented for us from Tbilisi, Georgia, and we enjoyed James Timpson’s summary of 'Timpson’s Covid Journey' from his office in Manchester. Equally, we are now welcoming attendees from locations nationwide, as opposed to the geographic restriction to those people who were able to reach the Business School for an 08:00 start for a live event.

Our online Briefings since April have attracted over 2000 attendees, but if you’ve missed any of the sessions, or would like to review what was discussed, please look at our 'Previous breakfast briefing' section below.

Join us

Join our Executive Education Community to receive invitations for future events, Breakfast Briefings, course information, and our monthly newsletters.

We are always keen to hear suggestions for new topics and themes for future briefings and welcome feedback on the sessions:

Addysg Weithredol

Recent topics have included gender pay disparity, building innovation in to organisations, tempting talent in to business, and information management and organisational liability.

Previous breakfast briefings

Papers and graph on desk

Cyllid ecwiti fel sbardun ar gyfer datblygu economaidd yng Nghymru

14 Mehefin 2022

Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast gan Fanc Datblygu Cymru

Illustration of rocket flying over increasing bar chart

Sbardun i Dwf Busnes

5 Ebrill 2022

Pedwar busnes yn rhoi cipolwg ar eu trefniadau cydweithio ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd

Illustration of tug boat next to a cargo ship

Mynd i'r afael ag argyfyngau’r gadwyn gyflenwi

1 Mawrth 2022

Archwilio arloesedd digidol wrth fynd i'r afael ag argyfyngau'r gadwyn gyflenwi yn ein Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast diweddaraf

Hand showing ok symbol against yellow background

Are you ok?

1 Chwefror 2022

Neville Southall yn cynnal Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast ar iechyd meddwl

Team of people sat around a table in a meeting room

Rheoli ym Mhrydain Fawr

16 Tachwedd 2021

Myfyrdodau ar y berthynas rhwng rheoli a pherfformiad busnes yn y DU

Employees at a desk in a modern office

Perchenogaeth gan weithwyr

15 Hydref 2021

Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast yn trafod manteision perchnogaeth gan weithwyr

Ystadau economi gylchol

12 Mai 2021

Gwerth cymdeithasol a manteision allyriadau carbon wrth addurno’r gweithle

COVID-19 signage in North Wales tourism spot

Cymru yn y Cyfnod Clo

25 Chwefror 2021

Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast yn edrych ar bwerau datganoledig Cymru yn ystod y pandemig

Graphic of person looking at bitcoin through microscope

Bitcoin dan y chwyddwydr

26 Ionawr 2021

Sesiwn hyfforddi'n trafod cryptoarian drwy lens CUBiD

Mother and daughters in homeworking and homeschooling scenario

Gweithio gartref mewn pandemig byd-eang

15 Rhagfyr 2020

Sesiwn hysbysu'n datgelu canlyniadau meintiol ac ansoddol