Cyrsiau maes
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Direct experience of animals, plants and microorganisms in their natural habitats continues to be an important part of modern biology.
We run a wide range of courses that provide hands-on experience of modern biological techniques and practical in-field skills. Recent examples include bird-ringing, small mammal trapping, pit fall trapping, microbial analysis and surveying for bats.
Second year students on the Ecology and Conservation module can choose from several specialised, project-based courses that run in a variety of locations throughout the world. Our range of courses includes:

Roeddwn i'n teimlo fwyaf cyffrous am astudio'r modiwl Cwrs Maes Asesu Bioamrywiaeth Drofannol.Ar gyfer fy mhrosiect, defnyddiais dechnoleg olrhain GPS i nodi lleoliad safleoedd nythu primatiaid adeg y wawr ac wrth iddi nosi. Cawsom gyfle i weld primatiaid prydferth yn ystod y wawr a'r machlud haul syfrdanol bob bore.Rydych chi'n cael cyfle i fod yn ymchwilydd annibynnol, a thrwy hyn gallwch ddarganfod yr hyn sydd o ddiddordeb mawr i chi ym myd ymchwil maes. Mae'n antur y byddwch yn ei fwynhau mas draw – mae crwydro amgylchedd y fforest law, dysgu technegau ymchwil newydd, a chwrdd â phobl leol anhygoel yn brofiad unigryw.
The availability of our field courses is dependent on factors such as choice of degree programme, student demand and advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Residential field courses that take place outside of Cardiff incur additional costs, however, these are partially offset by contributions the School makes to the courses’ running costs.
Darganfyddwch mwy am ein cyrsiau Biowyddorau israddedig.