Tropical marine ecology
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Tobago, Caribbean

One of our most popular field courses is based in a small fishing village on the tropical island of Tobago. The island is just 28 miles by 8 miles and is considered the last unspoiled Caribbean paradise. Accessible habitats include mangroves, coral reef and the Main Ridge Forest Reserve (established in 1776).

This course will introduce you to the ecology of coral reefs and survey methods, and provide an insight into the problems facing conservationists and field scientists.
At the beginning of the course, group projects will help achieve familiarity with the local species, particularly reef fish, before individual projects are conducted in the second week. With help from staff and other researchers, you will design and execute your own research project; with plenty of opportunities to tailor projects to individual interests.
There is a fee associated with this field course. Further information can be provided on request.
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