Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Yr Ysgol Cerddoriaeth

Cardiff University School of Music students at graduation

Celebrating the class of 2017!

3 Awst 2017

Congratulations to all of this year's graduates

Premiere #CONNECT Daniel Bickerton St David's Hall

Premiere #CONNECT yng Nghymru

1 Awst 2017

Mae cyfansoddiadau gan Dr Daniel Bickerton wedi cael eu perfformio mewn gwahanol rannau o Ewrop yn ystod yr haf

Arlene Sierra

Dr Arlene Sierra awarded PRS Foundation Composers’ Fund grant

18 Gorffennaf 2017

Funding to support release third disc of Dr Sierra’s compositions

Filming video on camera

Myfyrwyr a staff yn cydweithio ar ddysgu hygyrch

3 Gorffennaf 2017

Mae myfyrwyr yn yr Ysgol Gerddoriaeth yn defnyddio technoleg i gynorthwyo addysgu hygyrch

Dr Robert Fokkens

International acclaim for Dr Robert Fokkens

28 Mehefin 2017

Compositions by Dr Fokkens have been released on a series of successful compilations

Music sign

School of Music achieves 100% satisfaction

19 Mehefin 2017

Our MA in Music has achieved the maximum overall score in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

Female singer addresses audience

Canwr y Byd Caerdydd

9 Mehefin 2017

Siaradwyr o fri yn nigwyddiadau ymylol y Brifysgol

Piano and sheet

Stiwdio Cyfansoddwyr Gyntaf Peter Reynolds yn croesawu cyfansoddwyr ifanc

30 Mai 2017

Cyfansoddwyr ifanc yn dod ynghyd ar gyfer gweithdai, seminarau, a pherfformiadau o’u cyfansoddiadau.

Singapore Skyline Marina Bay Sands

Music student accepted for Singapore internship

26 Mai 2017

Rhys Tomos will begin an internship with the Ministry of Education, Singapore

Andy Wareham RWCMD Cory Composition Prize

Music alumnus wins 2017 RWCMD/Cory Composition Prize

23 Mai 2017

Composition inspired by Tarot Cards scoops top prize

Cardiff University Music Building

Another rise in the league tables for Music at Cardiff

17 Mai 2017

Music at Cardiff has risen 2 places in the Guardian league tables

Musicians in front of piano St David's Hall Cardiff

Cardiff hosts piano recital from Guangzhou, China

11 Mai 2017

Pianists from Guangzhou perform compositions inspired by Chinese characters

Carmen Georges Bizet

Cardiff to host Carmen Singer of the World Conference

8 Mai 2017

International experts on Bizet’s Carmen will gather in Cardiff

Professor Kenneth Gloag (1960-2017)

2 Mai 2017

It is with deep sadness that the School of Music announces the death, on 28 April 2017, of Professor Kenneth Gloag.

Claret String Quartet from Cardiff University School of Music

Music Students Perform Charity Concert

24 Ebrill 2017

Students from the School of Music perform interactive concert for primary school children.

Doctor Arlene Sierra and performers

Piano music premieres and BBC broadcast for Doctor Arlene Sierra

12 Ebrill 2017

Piano compositions by Dr. Arlene Sierra are receiving numerous international performances.

Professor Kenneth Hamilton acknowledging audience applause

Head of School delivers Liszt world premiere

23 Mawrth 2017

Professor Kenneth Hamilton recently gave the world premiere of an unpublished version for two pianos of Liszt’s Hexameron

Crowd at festival

Sbotolau ar Wyliau Cerddoriaeth

17 Mawrth 2017

Digwyddiadau gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn gofyn a yw gwyliau cerddoriaeth yn fusnesau mawr neu'n atgofion am oes

First page of Janáček’s From the House of the Dead.

Janáček’s final opera to be performed in an authentic version for the first time

20 Chwefror 2017

Welsh National Opera’s new season announcement includes premiere of Janáček’s From the House of the Dead

Dr Pedro Faria Gomes, Ziazan Horrocks-Hopayian and Anna Bastow rehearse Evening at LSO St Luke's

Composition lecturer enjoys London premiere

17 Chwefror 2017

Evening was commissioned by the London Symphony Orchestra and composed for soprano and viola.