Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Learning about sustainable architecture

Dysgu am bensaernïaeth gynaliadwy

8 Medi 2014

Myfyrwyr byd-eang yn ymweld â’r Brifysgol i astudio dylunio carbon isel

NATO after the Wales summit

NATO after the Wales summit

3 Medi 2014

Security experts, NATO representatives and academics to examine challenges confronting the Alliance

Royal Society

Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award 2014

1 Medi 2014

Prof. Damien Murphy has received a Wolfson Research Merit Award from the Royal Society

CCI Machine Image

£7 million investment in the School of Chemistry & its Catalysis Institute

26 Awst 2014

View Source Chemical synthesis, the production and manipulation of more complex and valuable molecules from simple reactants, is in essence the primary driver of Chemistry as a STEM subject.

Students in Lab

Cardiff Chemistry rises to World Top 150 spot

21 Awst 2014

Cardiff School of Chemistry has been ranked in the world’s top 150 Chemistry departments in a recently released prestigious international league table.

Minor variations in ice sheet size can trigger abrupt climate change

20 Awst 2014

Small fluctuations in the sizes of ice sheets during the last ice age were enough to trigger abrupt climate change, scientists have found.



7 Awst 2014

Ymchwilwyr wedi datblygu ap ‘cynhyrchiant difyfyr’ newydd.

Expertise to save lives in Africa

Expertise to save lives in Africa

7 Awst 2014

Cardiff to partner with the University of Namibia to share knowledge and resources

Discovering the impact of the horse meat scandal using social media

Discovering the impact of the horse meat scandal using social media

7 Awst 2014

Researchers to use social media data to investigate concerns related to the food supply chain

Cash boost for synthetic biology research

Cash boost for synthetic biology research

6 Awst 2014

New initiative will fund new research and boost career development