Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Coastal lecture

Three lectureships announced

16 Mehefin 2016

Exciting new opportunities in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

Black Hole chart

Black hole signals mark 'true beginning' of gravitational wave astronomy

15 Mehefin 2016

A billion-year-old wave activity has been detected.

Gravitational waves

Seryddwyr yn canfod ton ddisgyrchiant newydd

15 Mehefin 2016

LIGO ganfod signal o don ddisgyrchiant "anhygoel o wan" wrth i ddau dwll du uno

Soapbox Science in Cardiff

14 Mehefin 2016

Soapbox science is a public outreach program designed to promote women scientists and the work they do

Artist's impression of intergalactic rain

Feeding black holes

10 Mehefin 2016

Researchers first to witness a supermassive black hole preparing for a "chaotic" feast at the centre of a distant galaxy.

Supermassive black hole

Bwydo tyllau duon

9 Mehefin 2016

Arbenigwyr yn dangos twll du enfawr yn paratoi am wledd ‘afluniaidd’ un biliwn o flynyddoedd golau o’r Ddaear

tab on computer showing Twitter URL

Tracio seiber-droseddu yn Ewro 2016

8 Mehefin 2016

Bydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn defnyddio 'system ddeallus' i dracio lledaeniad firysau maleisus ar draws Twitter yn ystod Ewro 2016

School signs agreement with British Geological Survey

School signs agreement with British Geological Survey

7 Mehefin 2016

Cardiff University has signed an agreement with the British Geological Survey that will enable closer collaboration between both organisations.

Institution of Civil Engineers logo

George Stephenson Medal awarded to Professor Thorsten Stoesser

6 Mehefin 2016

A research paper by Professor Thorsten Stoesser has been recognised by the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Cardiff University Main Building

Ei Mawrhydi'r Frenhines yn rhoi Proffeswriaeth Frenhinol i Brifysgol Caerdydd

6 Mehefin 2016

Ysgol Cemeg y Brifysgol yn cael anrhydedd arbennig i ddathlu pen-blwydd y Frenhines yn 90 oed