Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol Cynllunio a Daearyddiaeth


Academyddion ar flaen y gad yn yr ymchwil i Brexit

29 Mawrth 2018

Arbenigwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn llywio’r drafodaeth

Places of worship as symbols of unity and division

29 Mawrth 2018

Event looked at how modern places of worship can often divide as well as unite communities

RGS recognition for undergraduate provision

26 Mawrth 2018

BSc Geography (Human) secures Royal Geographical Society (RGS) accreditation

City tower and crossing

Expanding postgraduate provision

15 Mawrth 2018

Two exciting new Master’s programmes launched for September 2018 entry.

Exploring spirituality and magic’s impact on development practices

2 Mawrth 2018

Journal special issue represents a significant intervention into thinking on witchcraft, spirituality and development

Exploring economic resilience

2 Mawrth 2018

Report examines households’ perceptions of their capacity to overcome unexpected financial setbacks

Image of male academic speaking before a panel

Tackling rough-sleeping in Wales

15 Chwefror 2018

Dr Peter Mackie addresses the National Assembly for Wales’ Inquiry into rough-sleeping in Wales

Image of a busy high street filled with shoppers

Research shows fall in number of empty Welsh shops

26 Ionawr 2018

Research concludes new initiatives needed to fill vacant shops and keep high streets thriving

ESRC Productivity Insights Network

Lansio Rhwydwaith Gwybodaeth am Gynhyrchiant ESRC

18 Ionawr 2018

Academyddion Caerdydd i helpu i ddeall y ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar gynhyrchiant y DU

ESRC funding supports new research

9 Ionawr 2018

Two academics secure new funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Dissertation recognition for graduate

19 Rhagfyr 2017

Recent graduate secures national recognition for her dissertation on gender and nationality in a post-conflict environment


Perygl Twrci "brwnt" ar ôl Brexit os daw’r Deyrnas Unedig i gytundeb masnach ag UDA

18 Rhagfyr 2017

Ymchwil yn darganfod nad yw dofednod o’r Unol Daleithiau yn bodloni safonau diogelwch yr UE, ac yn rhybuddio y byddai siopwyr yn fwy diogel petai’r Deyrnas Unedig yn cadw at safonau Ewrop.

Llun o 5 ddyn a dwy fenyw yn dal fflag yr Wcráin

Cefnogi adnewyddu sefydliadol a hyrwyddo rhagoriaeth addysgu yn yr Wcráin

14 Rhagfyr 2017

Ysgol yn croesawu dirprwyaeth o academyddion a staff gwasanaethau proffesiynol o Brifysgol Amaethyddol Genedlaethol Lugansk (LNAU) yn yr Wcráin


Ffactorau diwylliannol a seicolegol yn dal yr ysfa gystadleuol yn ôl mewn rhanbarthau gogleddol

11 Rhagfyr 2017

Adroddiad yn datgelu perfformiad economaidd dinasoedd a rhanbarthau Prydain

Image shows large group of undergraduate and postgraduate students holding certificates alongside the Head of the School of Geography and Planning

Celebrating academic excellence

11 Rhagfyr 2017

Annual event recognises student achievement and high-performance

Researcher nominated for Impact Award

6 Rhagfyr 2017

Dr Peter Mackie nominated at the Wales Social Research Awards

Valencia Food Conference

Research fellow leads successful global networking meeting on urban food

23 Tachwedd 2017

Dr Ana Moragues Faus convened a meeting of city networks in the Milan Food Policy Pact conference in Valencia in October

Council leader engages with 'planning for a just city' pioneer

23 Tachwedd 2017

Lecture addresses prioritising justice in planning practice and policy

Image of Professor Roberta Sonnino giving evidence at the Senedd

Rethinking food in Wales

27 Hydref 2017

Food security and sustainability expert addresses inquiry into rethinking food strategies in Wales.


Yr Ymgyrch a Chaerdydd yn lansio pecyn adnoddau i gysylltu tystiolaeth â llunio polisi

25 Hydref 2017

Mae’r Brifysgol a’r Ymgyrch dros y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol wedi cyd-weithio er mwyn datblygu pecyn adnoddau ar-lein i helpu ymchwilwyr i wella eu heffaith wleidyddol.