Iaith ac Ieithyddiaeth (MA)
- Hyd: Blwyddyn
- Dull astudio: Amser llawn
Diwrnod agored
Dysgwch am astudio'n ôl-raddedig yma yn ystod ein Diwrnod Agored nesaf.
Pam astudio’r cwrs hwn
Meistrolwch y sgiliau o ddadansoddi ieithyddiaeth mewn rhaglen hyblyg wedi’i haddysgu gan arbenigwyr blaenllaw.
Meistroli dadansoddi ieithyddol
Y cyfle i feithrin dealltwriaeth gwmpasog o ddulliau damcaniaethol a methodolegol.
Canolfan o’r radd flaenaf
Hyfforddiant cadarn mewn sylfeini ymchwil ac arfer, o fewn Canolfan sy'n cael ei pharchu'n rhyngwladol.
Cyfle i archwilio eich diddordebau chi eich hun, gan siapio’ch cwrs i gyd-fynd â'ch uchelgeisiau gyrfaol, gyda'n modiwlau dewisol.
Ennill profiad ymchwil ymarferol
O ieithyddiaeth corpws, hanesyddol, swyddogaethol a systemig i gaffael iaith a sosioieithyddiaeth.
Set in the internationally respected Centre for Language and Communication Research, our MA in Language and Linguistics delivers solid training in linguistic research methods and applications, plus the freedom to tailor the programme around your research interests and career ambitions. You’ll have the option to choose modules that will allow you to specialise in applied linguistics, sociocultural linguistics or linguistic research methods.
Over the course of your degree, you’ll explore linguistic structures and language functions and acquire an understanding of cutting-edge linguistic theories and methods. You’ll also develop an appreciation of how language interacts with various social factors, applying your knowledge to analyse communication in various communities of practice.
Our staff lead on innovative projects in many different fields, including language acquisition, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, discourse analysis, professional communication, corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics and forensic linguistics, hosting a range of reading and research groups in these research fields.
We host talks with visiting academics from around the world, as well as advanced research residencies and occasional summer schools. During your studies, you’ll benefit from this thriving research environment and the support of a range of professionals who will guide your personal and professional development.
Ble byddwch yn astudio
Yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth
Wedi ein pweru gan ymchwil arloesol, rydym yn dathlu chwilfrydedd, yn ymgysylltu mewn trafodaethau gwybodus a dadansoddi beirniadol ac yn eich annog i feddwl yn greadigol - ar draws a thu hwnt i'n disgyblaethau.
Meini prawf derbyn
Rhagor o wybodaeth am ofynion Iaith Saesneg.
Mae'n rhaid i ymgeiswyr sydd angen Fisa myfyriwr i astudio yn y DU gyflwyno cymhwyster iaith Saesneg derbyniol er mwyn bodloni gofynion UKVI (Fisâu a Mewnfudo y DU).
Strwythur y cwrs
This is a 1-year full-time programme. It consists of 2 stages: a taught stage and a dissertation stage.
The taught stage runs across the autumn and spring semesters. During this stage, you’ll take a mixture of core and optional modules totalling 120 credits.
The dissertation stage runs from June until September and can only be undertaken on successful completion of the taught element of the degree. In the dissertation stage, you’ll undertake a research dissertation. You are encouraged to write your dissertation on a topic relevant to your interests or career plans. You begin to plan your dissertation in the second semester, but most of the work on the project is conducted over the summer. During this module, you’ll be supported through regular one-to-one meetings with your supervisor. The dissertation is normally submitted in early September.
Mae'r modiwlau a ddangosir yn esiampl o'r cwricwlwm arferol. Byddant yn cael eu hadolygu cyn blwyddyn academaidd 2025/26. Bydd y modiwlau terfynol yn cael eu cyhoeddi erbyn mis Medi 2025.
Rhaglen amser llawn dros flwyddyn yw hon. Mae'n cynnwys dau fodiwl craidd, pedwar modiwl dewisol a thraethawd hir. Byddwch yn astudio’r modiwlau dros gyfnod o ddau semester a addysgir; mae'r traethawd hir yn cael ei wneud yn ystod yr haf. Fe'ch cynghorir i drafod eich dewisiadau gyda Chynullydd y Rhaglen a/neu eich Tiwtor Personol.
Y modiwlau craidd yw Sylfeini Ymchwil mewn Iaith a Chyfathrebu, a Phrofiad Ymchwil mewn Iaith ac Ieithyddiaeth; fe'u cymerir yn semester yr Hydref a'r Gwanwyn, yn y drefn honno.
Teitl modiwl | Côd modiwl | Credydau |
Sylfeini Ymchwil mewn Iaith a Chyfathrebu | SET030 | 20 credydau |
Profiad ymchwil mewn iaith ac ieithyddiaeth | SET031 | 20 credydau |
Traethawd hir | SET015 | 60 credydau |
Teitl modiwl | Côd modiwl | Credydau |
Ieithyddiaeth Fforensig I | SET001 | 20 credydau |
Trafodaeth a Rhyngweithio Cymdeithasol | SET005 | 20 credydau |
Materion Cyfredol mewn Sosioieithyddiaeth | SET006 | 20 credydau |
Dulliau Ymchwil Ansoddol | SET012 | 20 credydau |
Dulliau Ymchwil Meintiol | SET013 | 20 credydau |
Ffoneteg a ffonoleg | SET033 | 20 credydau |
Dysgu Iaith: Theori ac Ymarfer | SET036 | 20 credydau |
Trafodaeth gyhoeddus a phroffesiynol | SET041 | 20 credydau |
Mae'r Brifysgol wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu amrywiaeth eang o opsiynau modiwl lle’n bosibl. Ond byddwch yn ymwybodol er y byddwn yn gwneud pob ymdrech i gynnig dewis, gall hyn gael ei gyfyngu mewn rhai amgylchiadau. Y rheswm am hyn yw'r ffaith mai dim ond nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd sydd ar gael ar rai modiwlau, a gaiff eu dyrannu ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin. Mae'n ofynnol i fodiwlau eraill sicrhau isafswm nifer o fyfyrwyr cyn gallu eu cynnal, er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr y gellir cyflwyno addysg o ansawdd priodol. Gall modiwlau gael eu cyfyngu oherwydd gwrthdaro yn yr amserlen hefyd, ac er bod y Brifysgol yn ymdrechu i amharu cyn lleied â phosibl ar eich dewis, byddai'n syniad da i chi ofyn am gyngor gan yr Ysgol berthnasol am y dewisiadau modiwl sydd ar gael.
Dysgu ac asesu
Sut y caf fy addysgu?
During the taught stage, you’ll be taught mostly through weekly seminars / workshops, where you will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of various topics related to language and linguistics.
You’ll be able to discuss concepts and ideas in small groups and open class discussions, to consolidate and get feedback on your individual learning, and to develop communication skills in informal group discussions and oral presentations. Depending on your prior experience, you might be encouraged to attend the lectures for various undergraduate modules as well.
All modules within the MA in Language and Linguistics make extensive use of the University’s virtual learning environment, Learning Central, where you can access discussion forums and find module materials.
During the dissertation stage, you’ll conduct independent research on a topic of your choice with regular supervision from a member of staff.
Sut y caf fy asesu?
The taught modules within this programme are assessed through a variety of methods, including academic essays, linguistic analyses, analytical reports, research projects and oral presentations. The form(s) of assessment for individual modules are set out in the relevant module description. Modules are assessed on the basis of analytical descriptions of oral or written material or other media and/or discursive essays. Following appropriate ethical clearance, you’ll often be encouraged to choose your own material for analysis, or to collect original data, and to relate your analyses to areas of personal interest.
Emphasis in assessment is placed on critical and conceptual sophistication as well as on the production of clear, persuasive and scholarly essays presented in a professional manner and submitted on time.
Formative work is offered for some modules, particularly those in which you may undertake forms of assessment that may be new to you. Other modules offer a series of assignments with the express intention that you might learn cumulatively. Elsewhere, you are encouraged to consult the relevant module leader on the main ideas and plans for your assignments.
Sut y caf fy nghefnogi?
The subject Director of PGT will provide a contact point for discussion of any problems arising from the programme. You’ll also be assigned a personal tutor for the duration of your studies, who is available to discuss your general academic progress and student experience.
You can have one-to-one discussions with the programme convenor or with other relevant staff during set office hours in teaching weeks.
All staff hold weekly office hours during teaching weeks and you can make appointments to see module leaders one-to-one about any issues. Writing skills support is available to all students from academic staff and via the School’s Writing Development Centre.
Careers support includes one-to-one career planning advice meetings and information about placement opportunities.
Beyond the School, the University offers a range of support services and events to help you plan your career, manage your emotional, mental, and physical health, advise you on finance or money matters, and access support related to disabilities and dyslexia. These services are located at the University’s Centre for Student Life.
Pa sgiliau y byddaf yn eu hymarfer a’u datblygu?
The Learning Outcomes for this programme describe what you’ll achieve by the end of your programme at Cardiff University and identify the knowledge and skills that you will develop. They will also help you to understand what is expected of you.
Many of the learning outcomes involve practising skills that are transferable to numerous areas of employment.
On successful completion of your programme you’ll be able to:
Knowledge & Understanding:
- Demonstrate a systematic understanding of core areas of spoken and written language and the principles of linguistics.
- Identify a range of empirical linguistic phenomena and use the relevant terminology.
- Comprehend the nature of language and meaning in different social and/or professional contexts.
Intellectual Skills:
- Critically evaluate ideas, arguments and empirical research in language and linguistics.
- Explain information and ideas clearly and coherently in written and/or oral formats.
- Sustain a critical argument that is responsive to the particular conventions of the genre.
Professional Practical Skills:
- Evaluate, synthesise and interpret qualitative and / or quantitative linguistic data.
- Design and execute a small-scale independent study.
- Synthesize existing research and present it to an expert and/or non-expert audience.
Transferable/Key Skills:
- Develop various employability skills including time management, effective communication and the ability to follow instructions.
- Demonstrate awareness of personal and professional considerations required to conduct research ethically.
- Critically evaluate different sources of information.
Ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer dechrau astudio yn 2025
Bydd eich ffioedd dysgu a sut y byddwch yn eu talu yn dibynnu ar eich statws ffioedd. Gallai eich statws ffioedd fod yn statws cartref, ynysoedd neu tramor.
Dysgwch sut rydym yn pederfynu eich statws ffioedd
Ffioedd am statws cartref
Nid yw ffioedd ar gyfer mynediad 2025/26 ar gael eto
Myfyrwyr o'r UE, AEE a'r Swistir
Rydym yn aros am gadarnhad o'r ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2025/26.
Ffioedd am statws ynys
Dysgwch ragor am ffioedd ol-raddedig i fyfyrwyr o Ynysoedd y Sianel ac Ynys Manaw.
Ffioedd am statws tramor
Rydym yn aros am gadarnhad o'r ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2025/26.
Costau ychwanegol
A fydd angen unrhyw gyfarpar penodol arnaf I astudio'r cwrs hwn?
Bydd angen i chi baratoi eich hun i gymryd nodiadau mewn dosbarthiadau. Bydd angen i chi deipio eich aseiniadau ac efallai y bydd angen mynediad cyfrifiadurol arnoch at ddibenion eraill. Er bod cyfrifiaduron yn cael eu darparu ar gampws y Brifysgol (mewn llyfrgelloedd, er enghraifft), mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn hoffi cael mynediad i'w cyfrifiadur bwrdd gwaith neu liniadur eu hunain.
Yn ogystal, efallai y byddwch yn dewis prynu rhai llyfrau i gefnogi eich astudiaethau. Nid yw hyn yn orfodol ac mae'r holl adnoddau dysgu ar gael drwy lyfrgelloedd y Brifysgol.
Byddwn yn darparu mynediad cyfrifiadurol, gan gynnwys mynediad i labordai cyfrifiadurol arbenigol, meddalwedd arbenigol a thechnegwyr arbenigol. Byddwn hefyd yn darparu mynediad i lyfrgelloedd Prifysgol Caerdydd, sy'n cynnig llyfrau ac ystod eang o adnoddau ar-lein.
Costau byw
Rydym wedi ein lleoli yn un o ddinasoedd mwyaf fforddiadwy y DU. Rhagor o wybodaeth am gostau byw yng Nghaerdydd.
Gyrfaoedd a lleoliadau gwaith
Gyda phrofiad ymarferol yn cael ei gynnig yn rhan o’r radd, mae’r rhaglen hon yn darparu profiad ymchwil gwerthfawr trwy, er enghraifft, eich galluogi i ymgolli mewn prosiectau ymchwil presennol staff. Ar draws prosiectau eich modiwlau, byddwch chi’n rhoi dulliau ymchwil newydd ar waith tra’n datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau y gellir eu trosglwyddo i’r rhan fwyaf o amgylcheddau gwaith.
Ar draws yr Ysgol, mae ein hôl-raddedigion yn defnyddio eu sgiliau newydd ar draws sbectrwm eang o broffesiynau, yn arbennig yn y cyfryngau ac economïau creadigol, addysg a’r sectorau iechyd. O’r sector cyhoeddus i’r sector preifat, rydym yn hwyluso gyrfaoedd mewn ystod eang o feysydd.
Roedd 86% o raddedigion yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth mewn cyflogaeth neu astudiaethau pellach o fewn chwe mis i raddio (DLHE 2016/17).
The Research Experience module offers the opportunity to work with a member of staff on an ongoing, authentic research task within part of a larger research study. This is a distinctive form of study and offers the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience and to reflect systematically on that experience. Findings from the Research Experience module will feed directly into ongoing work in the Centre for Language and Communication Research.
Camau nesaf
Ymweliadau Diwrnod Agored
Cofrestrwch am wybodaeth am ein dyddiadau sydd i ddod.Gwnewch ymholiad
Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth am y cwrs hwn.Rhyngwladol
Mwy o wybodaeth am ein prifysgol fyd-eang.Dewisiadau eraill y cwrs
Rhagor o wybodaeth
Pynciau cysylltiedig: Iaith a chyfathrebu, Ieithyddiaeth
Data HESA: Hawlfraint yr Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch Cyfyngedig 2021. Ni all yr Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch Cyfyngedig dderbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw gasgliadau neu benderfyniadau sy'n deillio o drydydd partïon o'i data. Daw'r data o Arolwg Hynt Graddedigion Diweddaraf 2019/20 a gyhoeddwyd gan HESA ym mis Mehefin 2022.