Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion ac erthyglau arbennig

Forensic crime investigation

Crime Live – become a forensic scientist for the night with Inside Justice UK

10 Hydref 2017

For one night only the Innocence project at our School of Law and Politics invites you to take part in a crime investigation where you will play forensic science expert!

Professor Norman Doe (far left) pictured with Revd Canon Andrew Featherstone (Chancellor), Very Revd John Davies (Dean), and Christopher Jones (Partner, Harris and Harris).

Professor Norman Doe speaks at inaugural Wells Cathedral lecture

9 Hydref 2017

A School of Law and Politics Professor delivered the inaugural Bekynton lecture this October at Wells Cathedral.


A fydd Undeb ar ôl Brexit?

2 Hydref 2017

Brexit yn bwysicach na dyfodol y DU i’r rhan fwyaf o ‘gefnogwyr’ Brexit yn Lloegr, yn ôl data newydd.

Law and Global Justice students travel to Nairobi

Interniaeth yn Affrica ar gyfer myfyrwyr y Gyfraith

29 Medi 2017

Myfyrwyr y Gyfraith a Chyfiawnder Byd-eang yn teithio i Nairobi ar gyfer interniaethau cyfreithiol wedi eu hariannu’n llawn

Ballot box with rosettes

Llafur bellach yw’r blaid yr ymddiriedir ynddi fwyaf i sefyll i fyny dros Loegr

26 Medi 2017

Dengys data arolwg newydd fod 31% o bleidleiswyr Lloegr yn barnu bod modd ymddiried yn y blaid Lafur i amddiffyn buddiannau Lloegr

Senedd building

A yw datganoli wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth?

18 Medi 2017

Data newydd yn dangos diffyg effaith datganoli

Compass with Welsh economy concept

Ailfeddwl Twf

7 Medi 2017

Academyddion yn dadlau dros dwf cymdeithasol ac ecolegol cadarnhaol mewn papur newydd

Dr Huw Bennett, Reader in International Relations, who will begin a fellowship with the British Academy this September.

Mid-Career Fellowship awarded to International Relations Reader

5 Medi 2017

The national body for humanities and social sciences in the UK has awarded a School of Law and Politics academic with a prestigious Mid-Career Fellowship.

The University of Seychelles

International Relations Professor awarded Honorary Professorship

30 Awst 2017

A School of Law and Politics scholar has been awarded an Honorary Professorship at the University of Seychelles.

A carer in an old people's home

Cynllun gofal iechyd parhaus yn ennill miloedd yn ôl ar ran cleientiaid cartrefi gofal

16 Awst 2017

A unique scheme which addresses the cost of continuing healthcare in the UK has successfully won over £60k for its clients since the beginning of 2017.