1 Hydref 2015
University law professor volunteers in ‘The Pack’
30 Medi 2015
An ecumenical colloquium was held at Harvard University in Cambridge under the auspices of the Centre for Law and Religion.
Professor Angela Devereux, Head of the Centre for Professional Legal Studies, gets involved in The Pack.
24 Medi 2015
Report argues that a ‘reserved powers’ model is not a simple technical change but also requires a number of other major changes.
14 Medi 2015
Toolkits aim to empower the carers and families of adults with learning disabilities.
27 Awst 2015
Prosiect Ysgol y Gyfraith wedi'i enwebu ar gyfer gwobr iawnderau dynol uchel ei bri
25 Awst 2015
Results of the 2015 National Student Survey (NSS) ranks Cardiff University's School of Law in fifth place.
10 Awst 2015
Academics from Cardiff Law School and the Department of Politics and International Relations recently presented their research.
31 Gorffennaf 2015
Cardiff University’s renowned Wales Governance Centre will be putting the recent General Election under the microscope.
Mae unigolyn anabl yn ei harddegau wedi elwa ar brosiect cyngor cyfreithiol am ddim ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.