Discover our community
Last updated: 02/09/2024 09:18
Whether you are coming to Cardiff from near or far, you’ll be joining a thriving community.
Find your community
Our inclusive community is brilliantly diverse and includes social and cultural opportunities for students to come together throughout the academic year.
Societies and sports clubs
Whatever you’re into, you’ll find like-minded people across the Students’ Union’s 230 societies and 65 sports clubs.
Freshers Fairs are a great time to explore the different societies and speak to students who are involved.
Embrace Welsh language and culture
There are many ways to explore what it means to be Welsh or immerse yourself in the Welsh language and culture at university.
You can also join the Cardiff Branch of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to improve your Welsh language skills and career prospects and learn more about the scholarships available.
A place for everyone
Studying at Cardiff means you are part of a community that cares about your wellbeing. Our inclusive community offers a range of support:
- multi-faith chaplaincy for students of all faiths or none
- daycare centre for students with young children
- peer-to-peer support with students trained to give practical help. Choose your support for undergraduate or postgraduate students, LGBTQ+ students, international students and disabled or neurodivergent students
- social and cultural events to meet fellow students and come together throughout the academic year.
- our Together at Cardiff programme provides support for students who are care experienced, estranged, military experienced, young carers or who are seeking asylum.
Your home away from home
Our Residence Life team is made up of students and staff. They run activities, like board games evenings, social runs in the park, and crafts nights. They’ll help you settle in from your very first day.
For international students, we know it can be hard moving to a new country. Our diverse Residence Life Team are here to help you settle into a different culture, quickly meet people and make wonderful friends.
Volunteering and community engagement
If making a difference to those who need it most is what inspires you, then many of our student groups run fundraising events and volunteering projects across our local communities. Learn about our civic mission and how you can get involved in local projects.
Protecting our community
Our campuses and the surrounding areas are not immune to crime and safety issues, but together, we can help each other stay safe.
Staying safe
- our Security team patrol campus 24/7 and are happy to chat to you if you have any security concerns or questions
- pick up a free personal safety alarm from the Centre for Student Life when you arrive on campus
- download our SafeZone app - a quick and easy way to alert our Security team or South Wales Police when you need help or assistance. Log in to the app with your Cardiff University username and password
- we have specialist staff to support students affected by harassment, hate crime, sexual violence, relationship abuse, bullying and other forms of unacceptable behaviour
- the Students' Union offer advice and run safety initiatives throughout the year including a safe taxi scheme
- Safer Students is a collaborative project between South Wales Police and all south Wales universities – meet the South Wales Police Student Liaison Officers and Student Police Volunteers at Freshers’ events on campus
Useful links to local authorities and organisations
Your Students’ Union is here to help you feel at home from your first day in Cardiff. Join us at club nights, fairs, trips, tours, activities and more.