Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
A hwythau’n adlewyrchu ein natur amlddisgyblaethol, mae ein graddedigion yn dechrau amrywiaeth o wahanol yrfaoedd yn y sector preifat, y sector cyhoeddus a’r trydydd sector ac yn gweithio ledled y DU, Ewrop a’r byd.
Yma, mae rhai o’n graddedigion yn rhannu eu profiadau unigol o fod yn fyfyriwr gyda ni ac yn esbonio sut mae eu hastudiaethau wedi eu helpu’n broffesiynol.
Ein cynfyfyrwyr
Jen Phillips (BA 1999)
Jen Phillips (BA 1999) studied Philosophy at the School of English, Communication and Philosophy and is now a Specialist Technical Underwriter for Legal & General. I was particularly attracted to […]
Dr Sebastien Chapleau (PhD 2009)
Dr Sebastien Chapleau (PhD 2009) studied at the School of English, Communication and Philosophy. Sebastien is now Headteacher at La Fontaine Academy, the first state-funded primary school with a key focus on […]
Tom Dean (BA 2011)
“Diverse, thought-provoking, historic, exciting, engaging” is how Tom Dean describes Cardiff. Now working as Head of Marketing for World Wide Internet Insurance Services, Tom recalls his days in the city […]
Scott Edward Bowers (BA 2003, PGDip 2004)
Scott Bowers (BA 2003, PGDip 2004) studied both his undergraduate in English Language and Communication and his postgraduate degree in Public and Media Relations at Cardiff University. He's now Group Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs for The Jockey Club and attributes much of his success to his time as a Cardiff University student.
Rosie Johns (BA 2014)
Rosie Johns (BA 2014) graduated with a First in English Literature. Since leaving, she has her foot firmly placed on the career ladder in the publishing industry.
Salina (BA 2012)
Salina graduated from the School of English, Communication and Philosophy with a BA in English Language. She now puts her language skills to use as a studio manager.
Jody Tozer (BA 2010)
Jody Tozer (BA 2010) is company director at Bulldozer Film, an independent film company specialising in music videos, short films, documentaries, and television content.
Thomas Reeder (BA 2016)
Thomas Reeder (BA 2016) remained in Cardiff after graduation, and now works for a public relations firm based in the city.
Maggie Butt (neé Brookes) (BA 1977, PhD 2002)
Dr Maggie Butt is a published poet and an Associate Director at Middlesex University.
Rebecca North (BA 2011)
Rebecca North is a Student Communications Officer at the University of West of England.