Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Ap chwaraeon

Mae'r flwyddyn newydd yma a chyda hi daw ffordd newydd sbon o ymgolli mewn chwaraeon a ffitrwydd gyda Chwaraeon Prifysgol Caerdydd!

Mae ap Chwaraeon Prifysgol Caerdydd am ddim a lansiwyd y mis hwn yn caniatáu ichi archebu sesiynau campfa, cyfleusterau a dosbarthiadau ffitrwydd, yn ogystal â chyrchu amserlenni dosbarthiadau a chael diweddariadau pwysig ar unwaith. Bydd aelodau nawr yn gallu archebu ymweliadau gyda ni yn haws nag erioed, hyd at wythnos ymlaen llaw.

Cadwch eich lle

Edrychwch ar ac archebwch ddosbarthiadau ffitrwydd sydd ar ddod, sesiynau campfa a chyfleusterau ar draws y cyfleusterau yn y Pentref Hyfforddi Chwaraeon, y Ganolfan Ffitrwydd ac Ymarfer a Stiwdio 49. Gallwch hefyd reoli a newid eich archebion i gyd mewn un lle.

Peidiwch byth â cholli peth

Mae'r deilsen newyddion yn cynnwys diweddariadau a gwybodaeth bwysig, a gallwch ddewis hysbysiadau gwthio i sicrhau na fyddwch byth yn colli unrhyw beth. Cadwch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gau cyfleusterau campfa a chwaraeon, diweddariadau a chynigion a digwyddiadau pwysig!


Darganfyddwch fwy am yr hyn sydd gennym i'w gynnig, p'un a yw'n archwilio clybiau myfyrwyr yr Undeb Athletau a'n cynghreiriau gemau rhyng-furiol (IMG), neu'n darganfod ein pedwar cyfleuster chwaraeon a ffitrwydd gwych - ymgolli mewn chwaraeon a ffitrwydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd!

Lawrlwytho nawr

Gallwch chi lawrlwytho'r ap naill ai o'r Apple App Store neu Google Play trwy chwilio 'Cardiff University Sport' a dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau ar y sgrîn. Mae'r ap ar gael i'w lawrlwytho ar eich ffôn clyfar a'ch llechen. I ddod o hyd i'r ap ar eich llechen, bydd angen i chi hidlo'ch chwiliad am 'phone apps'.

Cardiff University students and staff

You will need to use is your internal Cardiff University student/staff email account ****@cardiff.ac.uk. This is the email address you type in. However your normal University IT password will not work.


If you don’t hold an internal Cardiff University email address the Mobile App will recognise the external email address you provided us when you first registered as a member. Please use that email address.

If you are using the app for the first time you will need to select ‘reset your password’ otherwise you will be unable to log in to your account to make bookings.

Your password needs to be at least 8 characters in length and contain:

  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character

You will receive an email sent to your email account. Please follow instructions in the email as you will need the membership ID to make a new password.

Once you have found your membership ID click on the link to take you to the sign in page.

Please enter the membership ID from the email and then choose a new password.

Log in with your email and new password.

If this does not work try deleting the app and reinstall, then follow the instructions above.

If you do not receive an email within 5 minutes of submitting a ‘reset your password’ request it may be that your email address is not registered against your membership record. Please email us at sport@cardiff.ac.uk with your detail so we may update your membership record. Enquiries to this email address will be responded to as quickly as possible.

The link within the email will only be valid for 15 minutes to reset your password. If you do not complete this password within this timeframe you will need to request to reset your password again.

If the system does not accept your new password it may be because of the following;

Your link email has expired.

Your ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm Password’ fields do not match.

Please note Cardiff University Sport cannot reset your password for you, nor can we see your password to provide you with this information. Email us at sport@cardiff.ac.uk for advice if you continue to have difficulties.  Enquiries to this email address will be responded to as quickly as possible.

If you are receiving a 'multiple accounts' error you will need to input the relevant Member ID for your specific account. If you have any difficulties, or need to question this please email us at sport@cardiff.ac.uk

Facility prices displayed in the app are linked to your account and should reflect your membership status.  If you have a valid membership and the incorrect rate is displayed this could mean that your membership subscription has not gone through or has not linked to your membership account.

Send us a screenshot of your membership confirmation email or your purchase to sport@cardiff.ac.uk so we can check the details and correct your membership record. Enquiries to this email address will be responded to as quickly as possible.