Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Special Assessment Staff

Supporting clinical excellence

24 Ionawr 2013

University team shortlisted for national award.

First anti-cancer Pro-tide drug from the McGuigan laboratory is tested in humans

21 Ionawr 2013

Nucana BioMed have commenced a phase 1 trial of NUC 1031 against pancreatic cancer.

Discovering a new role for a breast cancer gene

17 Ionawr 2013

Targeting Bcl3 could be advantageous in advanced breast cancer to prevent tumours spreading.

Shining Light on Co-infection

13 Ionawr 2013

A study using glowing bacteria to examine the consequences of co-infection

Have a Word

10 Ionawr 2013

Initiative to reduce dangerous drinking for 1 in 4 people.

Co-infection and disease control

9 Ionawr 2013

New study identifies significance of co-infection in disease control.

Raising concerns

8 Ionawr 2013

Report recommends culture change in social and healthcare workplaces.

Pam dydy neb yn berffaith

18 Rhagfyr 2012

Cardiff-Cambridge study discovers numerous flaws in our DNA

Understanding disability award for Dr Margaret Woodhouse

17 Rhagfyr 2012

Understanding Disability Award for Dr Margaret Woodhouse

Gwobr Cyflawniad Oes i Ddarlithydd Optometreg

13 Rhagfyr 2012

Dr Maggie Woodhouse yn cael Gwobr Cyflawniad Oes yng Ngwobrau Deall Anabledd 2012.