Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Clawr rhifyn y Gwanwyn -Iechyd Da

Iechyd Da (Rhifyn y Gwanwyn)

10 Mehefin 2016

Rhifyn y Gwanwyn o lythyr newyddion yr Ysgol.

Green impact award

Green Impact Awards

9 Mehefin 2016

Congratulations on being awarded Gold and Silver for our Green Impact in Pharmacy and a special Improved Environment award for the Redwood Bees.

The Queen arrives at CUBRIC

Y Frenhines yn agor Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd

7 Mehefin 2016

Y Parti Brenhinol yn cael eu tywys o amgylch y cyfleuster gwerth £44m sy'n unigryw yn Ewrop

Soapbox Science in Cardiff

Gwyddonwyr benywaidd ar eu bocs sebon i dynnu sylw at wyddoniaeth

3 Mehefin 2016

Bydd gwyddonwyr Prifysgol yn camu i ben bocs sebon yng nghanol Dinas Caerdydd i ennyn diddordeb y cyhoedd am eu gwaith ymchwil.

Will northwood

Welsh Pharmacy Awards 2016

1 Mehefin 2016

The Pharmacist's Defence Association's Student Leadership Award

Researchers in the lab

Gwobr Arloesedd mewn Gofal Iechyd

1 Mehefin 2016

Datblygu cyffur newydd ar gyfer canser metastatig y fron

Dr Joaquin de Navascues

Ambassador for Science

27 Mai 2016

Dr Joaquín de Navascués has been selected to participate in a new programme which aims to foster connections between scientists and Spanish diplomats.

Girl in classroom

How the Welsh Baccalaureate impacts on students' university performance

26 Mai 2016

New research indicates that the Welsh Baccalaureate could impact adversely on students’ academic performance at university.


Urban air pollution explored at Hay Festival

25 Mai 2016

Dr Kelly BéruBé demonstrates the health impact of air pollution at this year's Hay Festival.

The impact of workforce culture on midwifery care

24 Mai 2016

Investigating the relationship between midwifery workforce culture and the care of women and their families