Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Entwined transmission stages (cercariae) of parasites from the Schistosoma genus

Opening the black box: re-examining the ecology and evolution of parasite transmission

20 Mawrth 2017

Biosciences lecturer co-edits special edition of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

A patient holding medication.

Pharmacy students support unpaid carers through online Q&A

20 Mawrth 2017

Students from Cardiff University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences are taking part in a week-long Question and Answer event this week, in collaboration with the charity Carers Trust, to support unpaid carers throughout England and Wales.

Silhouette of mother pushing pram

Mae menywod beichiog a mamau newydd yn teimlo bod pobl yn eu gwylio ac yn eu beirniadu

20 Mawrth 2017

Mae mamau heddiw yn teimlo bod y teulu, cyfeillion a dieithriaid yn craffu arnyn nhw ac yn eu rheoli, awgryma astudiaeth gan Brifysgol Caerdydd

Science in Health Logo

Gwyddoniaeth ym Maes Iechyd yn Fyw

17 Mawrth 2017

Ysbrydoli'r genhedlaeth nesaf o ymchwilwyr a meddygon

Man using EpiPen

Diabetes Math 2 ar gynnydd

16 Mawrth 2017

Nifer y bobl sydd â diabetes math 2 yn treblu yn y DU

3rd Annual Inherited Eye Disease Patient Day

3rd Annual Inherited Eye Disease Patient Day

16 Mawrth 2017

3rd Annual Inherited Eye Disease Patient Day Wednesday 15th March 2017 5.00—8.30pm Cardiff School of Optometry & Vision Sciences Main Lecture Theatre

Young girl applying cream to forearm

Ecsema a gwrthfiotigau

14 Mawrth 2017

Gwrthfiotigau yn aneffeithiol wrth drin ecsema clinigol heintiedig ymysg plant

Lecture in School of Biosciences

New lectureship opportunities at the School of Biosciences

13 Mawrth 2017

The School of Biosciences is looking for forward thinking, motivated, passionate individuals to make a positive impact within the School and its teaching programmes.

Female student using molecule models in science class

Rownd derfynol Cystadleuaeth Big Bang

13 Mawrth 2017

Disgyblion uwchradd a ymunodd â phrosiect ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi eu dewis i gymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaeth genedlaethol

Albert Waeschle ‘Opticlar’ Ophthalmoscope/Retinoscope sets

Albert Waeschle Donation

13 Mawrth 2017

Albert Waeschle have kindly donated 13 ‘Opticlar’ Ophthalmoscope/Retinoscope sets to the School