Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Image of the ocean

NeTaflu goleuni newydd ar y gwaith o chwilio am MH370

11 Chwefror 2019

Tonnau sain tanddwr yn datgelu dau leoliad posibl newydd ar gyfer awyren Malaysian Airlines sydd ar goll

Yr Athro Christopher Hooley FRS

15 Ionawr 2019

Trist iawn oedd clywed bod yr Athro Christopher Hooley wedi ein gadael.

Paul Harper receiving award from the OR Society

Cymdeithas OR yn dyfarnu teitl Cydymaith Ymchwil Weithrediadol i’r Athro Paul Harper

18 Rhagfyr 2018

Mae Cymdeithas OR wedi dyfarnu teitl Cydymaith Ymchwil Weithrediadol i’r Athro Paul Harper, un o wobrau mwyaf nodedig y Gymdeithas.

American Mathematical Society logo

Roger Behrend a’i gydweithwyr yn ennill Gwobr Robbins 2019

10 Rhagfyr 2018

Dyfarnwyd Gwobr Robbins 2019 gan Gymdeithas Fathemategol America i Roger Behrend a’i gydweithwyr Ilse Fischer a Matjaž Konvalinka.

BSc Mathematics - Clearing

School of Mathematics has highest satisfaction among Russell Group universities

14 Awst 2018

The School of Mathematics has topped a list of leading UK universities for overall satisfaction in an important survey based entirely on the opinions of current students.

New computer science and maths building

Ymgynghori ar adeilad newydd

27 Gorffennaf 2018

Y Brifysgol yn ceisio barn ar gyfleuster pwrpasol i'r Ysgolion Cyfrifiadureg a Mathemateg

Sara Heledd Thomas MATHS MSc graduate

Double award success for new MSc graduate

26 Gorffennaf 2018

A new graduate from the School of Mathematics has received an award for the best industry-based student project in her field in the UK.

Drs Jonathan Ben-Artzi and Junyong Zhang from the School of Mathematics have been awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

5 Gorffennaf 2018

The combined expertise of two academics from the School of Mathematics has played a central role in them being awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship.

Students participating in Full STEAM Ahead

Meithrin cariad at wyddoniaeth

4 Gorffennaf 2018

Gweithgareddau ymarferol yn y Brifysgol i ennyn diddordeb dysgwyr ifanc

Danny Groves, School of Mathematics

Cardiff Mathematicians present in Parliament

10 Mai 2018

Three postgraduate students from the School of Mathematics were invited to Parliament recently as part of the annual STEM for Britain poster competition.