o'n graddedigion mewn cyflogaeth a/neu’n astudio ymhellach, i fod i ddechrau swydd neu gwrs newydd, neu wneud gweithgareddau eraill fel teithio.
(HESA 2021)
Rydym yn gweithio i greu
dyfodol gwell
i Gymru a'r byd
Rydyn ni'n rho
ein cymunedau
wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn
Croesawgar acuchelgeisiol
rydym yn brifysgolfyd-eang
yng nghanol prifddinassy’n ffynnu
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Different social media are useful to different types of business, depending on the visual content that the business is able to share.
Investments in cloud technologies offer businesses the opportunity to produce cost savings and time efficiencies.
Mobile phone applications can provide useful people management capabilities to monitor a team that works remotely at different sites.
Anticipating and assessing the impact of investment in digital technologies is necessary to ensure the right investment.
Investment in automation of business functions can be returned through greater efficiency and reduced staff costs.
Mae’r cyflenwr a gosodwr leinin geosynthetig yn cydnabod effaith o broffil digidol mewn atynnu cwsmeriaid a chwrdd â gofynion cwsmeriaid.
Modest digital adoptions can lead to significant efficiency savings in time, resources, and costs.
Training is important for both employees and the supply chain who will be utilising the broadband-enabled digital technologies.