Ewch i’r prif gynnwys



Allai robotiaid â deallusrwydd artiffisial ddatblygu'r arfer o wahaniaethu ar eu pennau eu hunain?

7 Medi 2018

Arbenigwyr cyfrifiadureg a seicoleg yn awgrymu nad ffenomenon ddynol yn unig yw gwahaniaethu, ac y gallai peiriannau awtonomaidd fod yn agored i hynny

Crime and Security Reporting Magazine Issue 2 front cover

Second edition of Crime and Security reporting magazine published

10 Gorffennaf 2018

The second edition of the Crime and Security Reporting Magazine is available for download now, and contains details of all our most recent research, news and events.

Abstract image of a digital map

InfoWare Conference 2018, Venice

27 Mehefin 2018

Crime and Security Research Institute PhD student Chris Simpkin presents his research on 'Scalable Vector Symbolic Architecture Approach for Decentralized Workflows' at the COLLA2018 Conference, Venice.

image of a computer screen with a finger pointing at the text on it

Hacking through the issues for 21st century policing

18 Mai 2018

Working with security practitioners to foster innovative conceptual and methodological approaches to shape policy and practice development.

Image of an ambulance outside an a&e department

The South Wales Tri-Service Public Service and Joint Emergency Control Centre Tri-Service Centre Evaluation

14 Mai 2018

New funding has allowed for the development of an extension to SWP headquarters, creating a cost-effective, single, open-plan environment in which to locate the Tri-Service Centre.

Image of large free-standing letters spelling Grangetown

New Community Gateway study identifies Grangetown residents perceptions of safety

14 Mai 2018

A recent study by the UPSI in collaboration with Grangetown residents has identified litter as negatively impacting perceptions of safety in Grangetown.

Image of the backs of two police officers in uniform

London Borough of Sutton: A longitudinal study of neighbourhood security

14 Mai 2018

This year marks 12 years since UPSI began working in partnership with the London Borough of Sutton to help understand the security perceptions of local people.

image of computer connections against a blue background.

DAIS ITA: Year 1 Highlights and Annual Bootcamp

9 Mai 2018

Working towards an innovative approach to model the evolution of human groups on a generative basis, to anticipate their possible mutation.

Image of a busy Hay Festival field, with HAY in large free standing letters.

Hay Festival: Terrorism as a teachable moment

8 Mai 2018

Professor Martin Innes will be joining Chelsea Clinton, Gordon Brown, Michael Woolf, Michael Gove and many other illustrious figures to speak at this year’s Hay Festival.

Image of police tape

Ffigurau trais difrifol ar gyfer 2017

25 Ebrill 2018

Er gwaethaf achosion niferus o droseddu treisiol yn Llundain, ychydig o newid sydd i'w weld mewn ffigurau trais difrifol ers 2016