Rydym yn cyhoeddi ein canfyddiadau mewn cyfnodolion effaith uchel, sy’n fynegol o gwmpas ac ansawdd yr ymchwil sy’n cael ei gynnal gan ein tîm.
Adroddiadau nodwedd

Putin’s ‘Little Grey Men’: Russia’s political technologists and their methods
Report from Security, Crime and Intelligence Innovation Institute
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

Operation Diogel & Specialist Units for Tackling Violence Against Women & Girls Across Wales
This report presents findings from research investigating the benefits of specialist units for addressing Violence Against Women and Girls.
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

The Cardiff Model for Violence Prevention
The Cardiff Model described in this report exemplifies the public health approach to violence prevention.
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

How a Kremlin-Linked Influence Operation is Systematically Manipulating Western Media to Construct & Communicate Disinformation
How a Kremlin-Linked Influence Operation is Systematically Manipulating Western Media to Construct & Communicate Disinformation: Part 1 Detection Report
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

AFR Report
The first independent academic evaluation of Automated Facial Recognition (AFR) technology across a major policing operations.
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

Rumours About the Efficacy of Ibuprofen Vs Paracetamol in Treating COVID-19 Symptoms - Report
The Making of a Misinformation ‘Soft Fact’ With Public Health Impact.
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

Minutes to Months: A rapid evidence assessment of the impact of media and social media during and after terror events
From Minutes to Months: A rapid evidence assessment of the impact of media and social media during and after terror events
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.

Evidence and guidance for better public services
Making the most of the Evidence Ecosystem
Os na all eich meddalwedd gynorthwyol ddarllen y ddogfen hon, gallwch chi ofyn am fersiwn hygyrch drwy ebostio Cynhwyswch yr adnoddau cynorthwyol a ddefnyddiwch chi a’r fformat sydd ei angen arnoch.
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- Cerutti, F., Norman, T. and Toniolo, A. 2018. A tool to highlight weaknesses and strengthen cases: Presented at: JURIX 2018: The 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Groningen, The Netherlands, 12-14 December 2018. pp. -.
- Cerutti, F., Norman, T., Toniolo, A. and Middleton, S. 2018. from fact extraction to report generation. Presented at: COMMA 2018: 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Warsaw, Poland, 12-14 September 2018.
- Cerutti, F. and Pearson, G. 2018. Supporting scientific enquiry with uncertain sources. Presented at: Fusion 2018: 21st International Conference on Information Fusion, Cambridge, UK, 10-13 July 2018.
- Cerutti, F. and Thimm, M. 2018. A general approach to reasoning with probabilities (Extended Abstract). Presented at: KR 2018: 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Tempe, AZ, USA, 27 October - 2 November 2018.
- Davies, B., Innes, M. and Dawson, A. 2018. An evaluation of South Wales Police's use of automated facial recognition. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Grinnell, D., Macdonald, S., Mair, D. and Lorenzo-Dus, N. 2018. Who disseminates Rumiyah? Examining the relative influence of sympathiser and non-sympathiser Twitter users. Presented at: 2nd European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC) Advisory Group Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, 17-18 April 2018.
- Harborne, D. et al. 2018. Reasoning and learning services for coalition situational understanding. Presented at: Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR IX (SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Conference 10635), Orlando, USA, 16-18 April 2018 Presented at Kolodny, M. A., Wiegmann, D. M. and Pham, T. eds.Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR IX. SPIE, (10.1117/12.2307009)
- Harborne, D., Willis, C., Tomsett, R. and Preece, A. D. 2018. Integrating learning and reasoning services for explainable information fusion. Presented at: ICPRAI 2018 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May 2018.
- Innes, M., Roberts, C., Preece, A. and Rogers, D. 2018. Ten 'Rs' of social reaction: using social media to analyse the 'post-event' impacts of the murder of Lee Rigby. Terrorism and Political Violence 30(3), pp. 454-474. (10.1080/09546553.2016.1180289)
- Kaplan, L., Cerutti, F., Sensoy, M., Preece, A. D. and Sullivan, P. 2018. Uncertainty aware AI ML: Why and how. Presented at: AAAI FSS-18: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector Proceedings, Arlington, VA, USA, 18-20 October 2018.
- McDermott Rees, Y. and Cerutti, F. 2018. Proposed Amicus Curiae observations for the Karadžić Judgment. United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals.
- Preece, A. D. 2018. Asking 'why' in AI: Explainability of intelligent systems - perspectives and challenges. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 25(2), pp. 63-72. (10.1002/isaf.1422)
- Preece, A. D., Ashelford, R., Armstrong, H. and Braines, D. 2018. Hows and whys of artificial intelligence for public sector decisions: Explanation and evaluation. Presented at: AAAI FSS-18: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector Proceedings, Arlington, VA, USA, 18-20 October 2018.
- Preece, A., Harborne, D., Braines, D., Tomsett, R. and Chakraborty, . 2018. Stakeholders in explainable AI. Presented at: AAAI FSS-18: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector Proceedings, Arlington, VA, USA, 18-20 October 2018.
- Preece, A., Harborne, D., Raghavendra, ., Tomsett, R. and Braines, D. 2018. Provisioning robust and interpretable AI/ML-based service bundles. Presented at: MILCOM 2018, Los Angeles, USA, October 29 - 31, 2018.
- Preece, A., Spasic, I., Evans, K., Rogers, D., Webberley, W., Roberts, C. and Innes, M. 2018. Sentinel: a co-designed platform for semantic enrichment of social media streams. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 5(1), pp. 118-131. (10.1109/TCSS.2017.2763684)
- Roberts, C., Innes, M., Preece, A. and Rogers, D. 2018. After Woolwich: analyzing open source communications to understand the interactive and multi-polar dynamics of the arc of conflict. British Journal of Criminology 58(2), pp. 434-454. (10.1093/bjc/azx024)
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- Robinson, A., Rees, A. and Dehaghani, R. 2018. Findings from a thematic analysis of reviews into adult deaths in Wales: Domestic Homicide Reviews, Adult Practice Reviews and Mental Health Homicide Reviews. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
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