Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Green impact award

Green Impact Awards

9 Mehefin 2016

Congratulations on being awarded Gold and Silver for our Green Impact in Pharmacy and a special Improved Environment award for the Redwood Bees.

Soapbox Science in Cardiff

Gwyddonwyr benywaidd ar eu bocs sebon i dynnu sylw at wyddoniaeth

3 Mehefin 2016

Bydd gwyddonwyr Prifysgol yn camu i ben bocs sebon yng nghanol Dinas Caerdydd i ennyn diddordeb y cyhoedd am eu gwaith ymchwil.

Will northwood

Welsh Pharmacy Awards 2016

1 Mehefin 2016

The Pharmacist's Defence Association's Student Leadership Award

Researchers in the lab

Gwobr Arloesedd mewn Gofal Iechyd

1 Mehefin 2016

Datblygu cyffur newydd ar gyfer canser metastatig y fron

biodefence image

Pharmacy represented at 15th Medical Biodefense Conference

12 Mai 2016

The Baillie lab was well represented at this conference held in Munich recently

planting main

Bee friendly planting at Redwood

25 Ebrill 2016

Staff and students get stuck in to bee friendly planting around the Redwood building

transparency 3d

3D printing of Lego fluidics

14 Ebrill 2016

Simple and Versatile 3D Printed Microfluidics Using Fused Filament Fabrication

pgr research day 2016 winners

Postgraduate Research Day 2016

7 Ebrill 2016

Excellent opportunity for students to socialise with peers and present their work

Baillie Taiwan

Prof Baillie invited to speak at AIPM in Taiwan

31 Mawrth 2016

44th Annual Institute of Preventive Medicine in the National Defense Medical Centre

Yr Athro Chris McGuigan

Professor Chris McGuigan 1958-2016

14 Mawrth 2016

Tribute from Professor Gary Baxter, Head of School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University.