Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Postgraduate research community

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Members of the Modern Languages Postgraduate Community.

We have a vibrant and supportive postgraduate research community. Our students play an active role in the department and are supervised by experts in their discipline.

Part of our community

PhD students are fully integrated into our research community. Seminars and events organised by our research groups give students the opportunity to interact with a wide range of academic staff on topics relevant to their research, broadening the experience of the students.

Training and development

We offer comprehensive training programmes for PhD students through the Doctoral Academy, which organises skills workshops, induction events, conferences, seminars and lectures. Expenses for travel, participation in conferences, and field work are ring-fenced with students benefiting from attendance at AHRC and ESRC doctoral training programmes together with tailor-made training in Wales.

PhD students are centrally involved in the organisation of annual Humanities PGR conferences, coordinated by the Doctoral Academy. Students have access to support in developing their own events and conferences: the critical mass of students in Translation Studies has led to the launch of the Translation Studies’ Postgraduate Society. Students have organised an inter-School Reading Group, the Academia degli Incogniti; they have contributed to the Gregynog ‘Multiculturalism: theories and practice’ conference and the Cardiff ‘Reconstructing Multiculturalism’ conference.

Supervision and support

Our students are supervised by a team of at least two members of academic staff and regular meetings monitor progress and develop the timetable for the completion of the PhD. Students present their research at the twice-yearly Research in Completion events, which provides detailed individual feedback from a panel of academic staff.


Our students are successful in gaining extra funding through studentships from the AHRC, ESRC and other competitive external funding bodies. Information on funding opportunities is available here.

Find out more about the full and part-time PhD and MPhil opportunities in the School.