27 Mai 2016
Guardian's university guide ranks journalism and PR 1st for the second successive year
26 Mai 2016
Cardiff University brings together journalism students and software developers to ‘Hack the Local’
24 Mai 2016
Leading global communications firm Edelman have recruited an up-and-coming Cardiff University student.
13 Mai 2016
A week of events to highlight the best in digital journalism and digital storytelling.
25 Ebrill 2016
Postgraduate research agreement aimed at promoting scholarly activities and international understanding.
21 Ebrill 2016
Professor Ian Hargreaves new book, The Creative Citizen Unbound, reports on a 3-year AHRC-funded project
14 Ebrill 2016
To mark Twitter’s 10th anniversary, Professor Bob Franklin explores the relationship between journalists and social media
8 Ebrill 2016
MSc Computational and Data Journalism student selected for prestigious Fellowship at The Guardian
25 Mawrth 2016
Journalism and Computing students tackle national news innovation challenge
17 Mawrth 2016
‘Anti-refugee’ and ‘Fortress Europe’ approaches very strongly endorsed by British right-wing press