Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion ac erthyglau arbennig

Video Camera

Ymchwiliad i Wasanaeth Teledu Cyhoeddus yn cyhoeddi digwyddiad yng Nghaerdydd

11 Mawrth 2016

Cynulleidfaoedd Cymru i gyfrannu at Ymchwiliad cenedlaethol o dan arweiniad yr Arglwydd Puttnam

Senedd Building in Cardiff Bay

Deall etholiadau Cymru

9 Mawrth 2016

Prifysgol yn lansio prosiectau ar-lein newydd i helpu dealltwriaeth gwell ymysg y cyhoedd am Etholiadau Cynlluniad Cymru sydd ar y gweill

An image indicating where inthe world journalists were killed from the INSI report

Research data reveals the risks faced by journalists

11 Chwefror 2016

Cardiff University data identifies the most dangerous countries to be a journalist

Jenny Kitzinger

Penderfyniadau Ymlaen Llaw i Wrthod Triniaeth (ADRT)

8 Chwefror 2016

Galw am gamau i wella dealltwriaeth a defnydd yng Nghymru

Magnum photojournalist Ian Berry

Photojournalist Ian Berry to deliver guest lecture

4 Chwefror 2016

Magnum photojournalist Ian Berry will deliver the second Nick Lewis memorial lecture hosted by Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.

Ipad in hand, blurred

Mae menywod i'w gweld mwy nag y maent i'w clywed yn y newyddion ar-lein

3 Chwefror 2016

Ymchwil newydd sy'n defnyddio Deallusrwydd Artiffisial yn canfod bod safbwynt a llais dynion yn fwy amlwg na menywod.

Lloyd Lewis

Promising Cardiff student called up for Wales Sevens

29 Ionawr 2016

Lloyd Lewis called up for the Wellington and Sydney legs of the HSBC Rugby Sevens World Series

University of Leuven

PhD student secures European research opportunity

26 Ionawr 2016

Hiu Chan to begin research with Professor Roel Vande Winkel in Belgium

Associate Professor Jake Lynch

Jake Lynch to deliver first research lecture of 2016

18 Rhagfyr 2015

Visiting Fellow from the University of Sydney to open next year’s Research Seminar Series.

Siân Powell speaking to the Welsh Affairs Committee

Investigating the state of broadcasting in Wales

16 Rhagfyr 2015

Academic and industry experts warn Commons Select Committee over funding cuts to S4C