Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Excellence in Teaching 2014

24 Tachwedd 2014

The Marine Geography Teaching Team has won the 'Excellence in Teaching’ award at the Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Awards 2014.

Low awareness of ocean acidification

19 Tachwedd 2014

The results of a major new survey show that the British public has a very low awareness of the issue of ocean acidification.

Sediment supply drives floodplain evolution in Amazon Basin

5 Tachwedd 2014

A study of the Amazon River basin shows lowland rivers carrying large volumes of sediment meander more then those carrying less sediment.

GW4 Alliance launched

5 Tachwedd 2014

Ian Hall speaking at the GW4 launch at the House of Commons.

Early Career Geologist Award

29 Hydref 2014

Lisa Mol has won the 2014 Southern Wales Geological Society Regional Group's Early Career Geologist Award.

Marine geography graduate wins 2014 best dissertation prize

22 Hydref 2014

Lucy Taylor, marine geography graduate, wins 2014 best dissertation prize

Programme scores 100% satisfaction in 2014 National Student Survey

10 Medi 2014

Cardiff Marine Geography ranked first in UK for student satisfaction

Minor variations in ice sheet size can trigger abrupt climate change

20 Awst 2014

Small fluctuations in the sizes of ice sheets during the last ice age were enough to trigger abrupt climate change, scientists have found.

International Studentship

5 Awst 2014

A fully-funded PhD scholarship (fees and stipend) has recently become available in the School for international students.

Solar activity influences climate change

Solar activity influences climate change, say scientists

7 Mawrth 2014

Sun’s energy influences 1,000 years of natural climate variability in North Atlantic.