31 July 2019
Welsh rivers in urban locations still have damaged food chains and fewer species of invertebrates in comparison to rural rivers
8 July 2019
Scientists unveil first global analysis of drip waters, which form stalagmites and stalactites, from 39 caves around the world
20 June 2019
Prof Steve Ormerod and Dr Ifan Jams were interviewed by BBC Wales to discuss the recent National Assembly for Wales report on plastic pollution.
3 June 2019
Efforts to improve water quality of rivers could off-set the impact of climate change on river invertebrates
22 May 2019
Our researchers shared their expertise at the 2019 Pint of Science Festival.
15 May 2019
Understanding how extreme weather events may change under a warming climate is one of the greatest challenges for climate researchers, and requires interdisciplinary collaboration.
8 May 2019
Dr Catherine Wilson has been appointed to sit on the Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee for the next three years.
13 March 2019
Research shows that parasite transmission is greatest amongst fish in interrupted water flow.
24 January 2019
The 'Challenge of Global Water Security' open online course available soon
21 January 2019
Research reveals over half of the world’s groundwater flows could take over 100 years to respond fully to climate change