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Cardiff Water Research Institute awarded GCRF Small Projects grants

20 February 2018

Researchers from the Water Research Institute have been successful in winning internally-funded Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Small Projects grants to develop collaborative research projects with African universities.

Global drought survey data

Improving drought monitoring

4 December 2017

Cardiff researchers are using innovative tools to address threats to global water supply

rain storm

Assessing climate change impact on extreme rainfall

12 October 2017

Scientists develop rainstorm generator to improve climate change predictions surrounding extreme rainfall events.

Centre for Doctoral Training Freshwater Bioscience

£2m to train freshwater leaders

3 October 2017

UK’s first doctoral training programme in freshwater bioscience to address the complex challenges needed to sustain the world’s ecosystems

Early human migration

30 May 2017

New study reveals the importance of African groundwater in kick-starting the evolutionary history of humans

Arctic Charr

Parasites as indicators of multiple stressors in freshwater ecosystems

15 May 2017

New research aims to increase understanding of multiple stressor impacts on freshwater ecosystems.


Wetskills United Kingdom 2017

25 January 2017

Wetskills is an exciting event for young water professionals to work in a pressure cooker format on real-life water challenges and develop multi-disciplinary out-of-box solutions with a case-owner.


18th UK-IWA Young Water Professionals Conference

22 December 2016

18th UK-IWA Young Water Professionals Conference - A Water World without Boundaries

Hands holding ring of water

Water Research Institute Inaugural Seminar for Early-Careers

7 December 2016

What happened at the Water Research Institute Inaugural Seminar for early-career researchers.

Innovation award for Liz Bagshaw

1 December 2016

Prize money enables development of low-cost water quality sensors.