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Welsh valley

Innovative partnership protects river ecosystems

13 July 2020

Recognition for sustainable management of freshwaters

Stock image of coronavirus

Pilot project could provide early warning system for new COVID-19 outbreaks

20 June 2020

Welsh Government announces funding for project to monitor virus spread in wastewater

Social media platforms in sub-Saharan Africa: their role and potential in shaping urban water resilience narratives

17 June 2020

PhD studentship available as part of Dr Adrian Healy's Future Leaders Fellowship. Please apply before 31st July.

Farmers getting water

Major international project to tackle climate change resilience in the Horn of Africa

26 May 2020

New €6.7M project aims to help rural East African communities adapt to climate change using state-of-the-art predictions of water scarcity and food insecurity


Scientists find first evidence of microplastics passing from insects to predators in rivers

22 May 2020

Study finds birds eat hundreds of microplastics every day - and inadvertently feed them to their chicks


PhD Insights: Bridging the gap between biology and engineering

11 May 2020

PhD student Stephanie Mueller conducts interdisciplinary research to explore fish responses to flow alterations caused by barriers and turbines in riverine systems.


PhD Insights: Exploring post-earthquake debris flows in China

14 April 2020

PhD student Erin Harvey spent two months in China to research post-earthquake debris flows and their evolution.


Addressing challenges of climate change and its impact on water resources for acutely vulnerable regions

26 March 2020

Dr Michael Singer, Deputy Director of the Water Research Institute, talks to the GW4 Alliance about collaborative research from the GW4 Water Security Alliance on the impact of climate change on water resources.


PhD Insights: Research visit in Wuhan…just before the pandemic!

10 March 2020

PhD student Giovanni Musolino spent six week working at Wuhan University's hydraulic laboratory to conduct flood experiments.

Two houses completely flooded

PhD Insights: Climate change and human rights

25 February 2020

PhD student Sam Varvastian analyses rights-based claims related to climate change issues that endanger the lives and livelihoods of communities across the globe.